Telling Matt

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Mira's POV

I sigh as I look at my slight baby bump. I can't believe I was so stupid and slept with Elena's now ex-boyfriend. Granted, I was drunk at the time. But now, I'm fifteen weeks pregnant with our baby. Aunt Jenna and Liz know. But no one else does, yet. I have no idea how anyone is going to react. Yes, Elena and Matt aren't together anymore. But we had sex when they were together. I'm the worse twin in the world.

A knock on the bathroom door pulls me from my thoughts. "Mira, you ready?" Jeremy asks from the other side. I pull on my over-size hoodie and put my hair in it's normal ponytail. Elena and I look exactly alike, being identical twins and all. But I always have my hair up. Whether it be a pony tail, messy bun or braid. Where as Elena always has it down, unless she is in her cheerleader outfit.

I leave the bathroom. Jeremy and I head downstairs together. We hear Elena mention coffee and find her in the kitchen with Aunt Jenna. "Is there coffee?" Jeremy asks. Nicking Elena's.

"Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?" Jenna says holding t some money. Elena refuses it. But Jeremy and I take some though. "Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?" she asks us.

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena and I ask her.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor Crap!" Jenna curses.

"Then go. We'll be fine" Elena assures her and she left. "You okay?" she asks Jeremy.

"Don't start" he tells her and left. I grab my bag and journal. Both Elena and I have a journal. Our mum got us all one. Jeremy used to use his for drawing. But he hasn't drawn since our parents died. Elena and I write in ours.

"Bonnie's here" Elena states grabbing her bag. I nod and we left the house together. Locking the door behind us. Elena gets in the front seat and I get in the back. I start to write in my journal as Bonnie sets off for school.

Dear Diary,

Today is the first day back at school since my parents died and I discovered I as pregnant. I plan on telling Matt today about the baby. I hope it goes well. I know Elena is worried about today also, she wants to show everyone that she is better. But I know she is not the same person since our parents died. Because I'm not.

"Elena! Back in the car" Bonnie says. Pulling me from my writing. I look up putting my pen down. As Elena looks out at Bonnie.

"I did it again, didn't I? I--I'm sorry, Bonnie. You were telling me that..." Elena starts to say.

"That I'm psychic now" Bonnie finishes and I smile.

"Then predict something" I tell her as I close my journal.

"About us" Elena adds. Bonnie goes to predict something. When a crow suddenly hit the car. We all freaked and Bonnie pulled over as I hold my stomach protectively, trying to calm my breathing down.

"What was that?! Oh, my god! Elena, Mira are you guys okay?" Bonnie asks us concerned. I nod my head mutely.

"It's okay. I'm fine" Elena assures her.

"It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere" Bonnie states.

"Really, we can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of our lives" Elena tells her.

"She's right" I agree as I relax in my chair.

"I predict this year is going to be kick ass. And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you both are going to be beyond happy" Bonnie tells us. Elena and I smile. I hope she is right. Bonnie drives us the rest of the way to school, without another incident. She parked in an empty spot and we headed inside to our lockers. That are next to each other.

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