Dinner Party

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Mira's POV

I'm at the grill with Bonnie. "I can't believe he is nearly 3 months old already" she states.

"I know right, it feel like only yesterday I found out I was pregnant. But now he's here and I love him so much" I state.

"He has us all wrapped around his little finger" she states giggling.

"He sure does" Jeremy states as he joins us. Just then Liz appears in her sheriff uniform. We all wish her a good morning as Grayson babbles happily as Jeremy takes him from Bonnie.

"Morning you three" Liz says. "Mira, may I have a word?" she asks. I nod my head and left Grayson with the other two.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"Have you heard from Tyler recently?" she asks me.

"Not spoken to him in a few days, why?" I ask her.

"He ran away from home last night" she tells me

"What?" I exclaim shocked.

"So you had no idea he was thinking about leaving?" she asks.

"No, I know it's been hard since his dad died. Things seemed better with his uncle here, then his uncle left. Could he of gone to see Mason?" I suggest.

"Doubtful, Mason Lockwood is missing" she tells me. "A few days ago, a friend of his arrived in town. He never returned to Florida like his text said" she states. I frown in confusion. "Let me know if you here from him, ok. His mum is very worried" she tells me.

"I will and I hope you find him" I tell her. She nods and left. I go back to the others and take Grayson.

"What was that about?" Jeremy asks me curious.

"Tyler ran away from home last night, but I can't understand why he'd do such a thing" I state.

"Ah incoming" Jeremy says and I see Luka heading our way.

"You want to tell me what the hell happened yesterday?" Luka asks Bonnie. As Grayson starts to fuss. It's nearly time for his next feed, but I should check his diaper also.

"Sorry?" Bonnie asks confused.

"Don't play dumb. You both were here and..." Luka trials off.

"And?" Jeremy asks.

"And that's all I remember. One minute I'm playing pool and the next I'm waking up in a bathroom stall" Luka states.

"Had you been drinking?" I ask him.

"No" he says.

"Sorry, Luka, but everything seemed normal yesterday. I mean, I brought you a coffee and we played pool" Bonnie states.

"See, I think you're lying" Luka sneers. Jeremy gets up and shoves Luka away from Bonnie.

"And I think you need to back off" Jeremy tells him. Luka looks at us and left.

"What was that about?" I demand.

"I'll tell you later" Jeremy assures me.

"You had better" I tell him. "I have to go check Grayson's diaper and fed him. You two have fun" I tell them. I grab the nappy bag and headed to the bathroom. I check his diaper and it's soaked. So I changed it for a fresh one, cleaning him first. I then take out a blanket and cover us. I feed and burp him.

Before leaving the bathroom. I see Jenna with Elijah, Ric, Andie and Damon. Odd. I head over curious. "No, you know what? We should continue this. Let's have a dinner party" Andie suggests as I draw in earshot.

Mira Gilbert: TVD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now