Klaus' Curse

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Mira's POV

Elijah still hasn't woken up yet. But Gray did, so I got changed and got him ready for the day. Now I am nursing him while Elena and I continue to wait for Elijah. I can't believe my little boy is now 14 weeks old. He's been up for about half an hour and will go down for his morning nap soon. He gets five naps a day and 6 feeds, lucky baby. I wonder if he has grown much since Elijah last saw him nearly four weeks ago?

Just then Elijah gasps, waking. Elena rushes over to him while I burp Gray. Covering myself while Elijah looks at Elena in shock. "Katerina" he says.

"Elijah! It's me, it's Elena" she tells him.

"And Mira" I add walking over to them.

"Oh, my god" he says as he closes his eyes. Elena gets closer but his body spasms. He gets up and is gasping for air. I back up a little to give him space. "I can't-I can't breathe! What's happening to me?" he asks.

He rushes over near the door but slams into the doorway. "He hasn't been invited in" I state.

"Then get me out of here" he tells us. But does it himself. He slams into another wall and disappears. Elena runs after him and goes to the front door. I follow and we find Elijah is crouching outside. He gets up and rushes at us to enter but freezes at the threshold, unable to enter. I hold Gray closer. "What happened?" he asks.

"I removed the dagger" I state. Elena shushes us.

"We'll tell you. Not here. Can we trust you?" she asks him lowly.

"Can I trust you both?" he shots back. I hand Elena the dagger and she holds it out to him. He takes it. We leave the house. "He has grown" he states as we drive away.

"He is fourteen weeks now" I state. He nods and starts on the blood bags Elena had gotten him. As Gray starts to nod off for his morning nap.

"You look better" Elena states as he finishes the final blood bag.

"Where did you get the dagger?" he asks.

"Our biological father gave it to Damon" I state.

"We'll tell you everything. But we have to work together, Elijah. We need your word" Elena tells him.

"Your ability to make demands has long passed" he tells her.

"No demands. I'm offering you my help. And in return, I want yours" Elena tells him.

"I also want protection for my son" I add.

"And why should I even consider this?" he asks us.

"The same reason that you haven't killed us. You need our help to kill Klaus. And we need you" Elena states. Her phone buzzes. "Can you answer that Mira?" she asks.

"Sure" I say taking her phone. "It's Stefan" I tell them and answer the phone. "Elena's phone, Mira speaking" I state.

"Mira, where are you two? Are you both ok? Where's Gray?" he asks.

"We're fine and Gray is with us" I state.

"Where's Elijah?" he ask.

"He's with us too" I answer.

"Where? I'm on my way" he states.

"Can't tell you that Stefan" I tell him. "Elijah, Elena and I need some time alone" I state.

"Listen to me. He can't be trusted he'll use you both to get to Klaus" he reminds me.

"Elijah is a noble man, Stefan. He lives by a code of honor. We can trust him. He knows that we'd be incredibly stupid to betray him again. By removing the dagger, I have proven myself and Elena proved herself by handing it to him" I explain.

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