50s Dance

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(December 7th 2009) Mira's POV

"I'm happy for you Matt, don't work yourself to hard" I tell him.

"I want to get as much money as possible. So that I can keep my house and help buy things for Grayson" he tells me.

"I get that, but I don't want you to over work yourself" I state. "When's your first day?" I ask him.

"Tomorrow night, so I won't be able to go to the 50s dance" he states.

"I'm not going either, I am far to pregnant to be going to a dance and Tyler spikes every drink bowl" I state. "Want me to give you some moral support?" I ask him.

"You'd do that?" he asks.

"Well everyone else in the house is going to the dance and I have nothing else to do" I state.

"Ok, I start work at five" he tells me.

"See you then" I say and we hang up.

(Next day)

I'm in the kitchen with Jenna and Elena. Jenna is ready for the 50s dance, Elena isn't yet. She just got home to change. I'm about to leave to go meet Matt at the grill. "Spoke to the insurance company. Car's totaled. You can keep using mine for now" Jenna tells Elena. Who nods her head.

"So you're coming to the dance?" she asks.

"Alaric asked me to help chaperone" Jenna says with a smile.

"Why didn't you tell us, Jenna?" Elena asks her.

"Your mom was gonna do it eventually. I never thought I'd have to" Jenna says sheepishly.

"We deserved to know Jenna" I tell her.

"If our mom were here right now and one of us asked, she'd tell us the truth" Elena adds.

"Your guys dad was about to leave the office one night when this girl showed up. She was sixteen, a runaway, and about to give birth. He delivered her babies, and he gave her a place to stay, but a few days later, she disappeared. And there you both were. Your parents were trying so hard to have a baby. I-it just wasn't happening. All Miranda ever wanted was to be a mom" Jenna explains.

"Well, why were our parents' names on the birth certificates?" Elena asks her. As I start to eat an apple.

"Your dad was a doctor, Elena. He took care of it. They didn't wanna lose you both, so they kept it quiet, told as few people as possible, but if anyone ever wanted proof, they had documentation" Jenna states.

"What else do you know about her? The girl?" I ask her curious.

"Just her name. Isobel" she states and I look at her shocked. "You were named after her and Miranda" she adds.

"Now I don't know how to feel about my first name" I grumble. "I always hated it and now I know I was named after my birth mother who abandoned Elena & I. It's a lot to take in" I state. "I gotta go, have fun at the dance" I tell them disposing of the apple core. I left and went to the grill.

(50s Dance) Third Persons POV

"Did your sister have her baby?" Anna asks Jeremy when she sees Elena talking to Caroline and Bonnie.

"What?" Jeremy asks looking at her after handing someone their drink. Anna nods at Elena as the other two girls left. "Oh no" he says with a chuckle. "That's Elena, Mira's identical twin sister. Mira is not due for another eight weeks" he states.

"There's two of them?" Anna asks surprised. Two human doppelgangers. One of which is pregnant.

"Yeah, but I love them both" Jeremy states.

(Mystic Grill) Mira's POV

"I can't believe it, you're adopted" Matt says as he cleans the table beside mine.

"I know right and now I am even more nervous about raising our son" I tell him. "I always thought I could do it, because mum was such an amazing mum. But turns out my biological mum abandoned Elena and I. What if I'm like her?" I ask him scared.

"You're not, I may not know her. But I know you and you love little Grayson with your whole heart. And you will be an amazing mother" he assures me.

"Thanks Matt, you're a great friend" I state. He smiles and left to go do another table. The door opens and I see its Bonnie with Caroline. "Bonnie, Caroline!" I call and they join me. "You both look great, how was the dance?" I ask them

"Boring, wish you had come" Care tells me.

"It wasn't so bad" Bonnie says with a shrug.

"Tonight was so much better on paper" Care mutters.

"Ah, you're just feeling sorry for yourself. Go and talk to him. Be bold and fearless" Bonnie tells him.

"Yeah, this coming from the girl who's been eye stalking the bartender" Care states.

"You're right" Bonnie left to go talk to Ben.

"So about Matt, you should go for it" I tell Caroline.

"You know?" she asks shocked.

"I'm pregnant, not blind and Tyler may of said something. I approve, you deserve someone like Matt after Damon. Also I can tell Matt likes you back" I tell her.

"But you're pregnant with his baby" she states.

"Yes and we're co-parenting. Nothing romantic" I tell her. "I can put in a good word" I add and she smiles. Just then Matt works past our table ignoring us.

"Seriously?" Care asks him annoyed. He turns to look at her.

"Is that for me?" he asks.

"Do you see anyone else in the vicinity? Don't answer that" Care says as he looked at me.

"Do you need something?" Matt asks her.

"Are you mad at me or something?" she asks him.

"No, Care. I'm not mad" he states.

"Well, then why are you being so weird?" she asks him.

"I'm not, I'm working" he tells her.

"You're avoiding" she states.

"No. I have a table to clean. You know, that's the kind of thing that washed-up jocks do to make a living" he states and walks away.

"Did you really say that?" I ask Caroline shocked and she sighs. "Well you have to talk to him" I tell her.

"Can't you?" she asks.

"No Caroline, communication is an important part of any relationship. You made this mess and you should clean it up. If you're serious about Matt" I state.

"I am" she assures me.

"Then go get him girl" I tell her with a smile. I get up. "I'm gonna head home, let me know how it goes" I state. Before leaving. Bonnie joins me.

"Give me a ride home?" she asks. I nod my head.

"How did it go with Ben?" I ask her.

"We have a date on karaoke night at the grill" she states.

"Good for you" I say with a smile. I drive her home and say good night to her. Before going home and calling it a night.


Picture above of Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline and Damon.

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