Meeting Isobel

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Mira's POV

"La la lu, la la lu" I sing as I rock Grayson as I sit in the rocking chair. I can't believe my little baby is a month old already. Today he'd come with me to the school to help make the floats for the Founders Day Parade. Matt will be there, he has the day off of work. He is working on the battle of Willow Creek float with Tyler, Jeremy and some other guys.

"Mira" Elena says pulling me from my thoughts. I look up and smile at her. "Ric needs to see us in his classroom, says its important" she states. I frown in confusion and stand up.

"I'm supposed to be meeting Matt" I state.

"I know, it won't take long" she assures me. I sigh.

"Ok, hold Grayson" I say handing him to her gently. I grab my phone and text Matt, saying I'd be a little late. He said it was ok. I take Grayson back and leave the house with Elena. We go to the school to see Ric and Stefan already there. "Great, something supernatural" I mutter as I hld Grayson close.

"He's gotten bigger" Stefan states.

"He's a month old now" I say proudly.

"Has it really been a month already?" Elena asks me and I nod my head.

"I'm sorry to ruin this moment, but we have a big problem" Ric states.

(Mini time skip)

To see I was shocked that Isobel was in town is an understatement. Along with the fact she wants to meet Elena and I. Of course I refused. But then Ric told us her threat and now I am very torn on what to do. Just then Damon enters the room. "Damon, thanks for coming" Ric says.

"Sorry I'm late. My dog ate my uh...never mind" Damon mutters. He looks around at us all. "What's with all the furrowed brows?" he asks. "Also congrats on the baby Mira" he states.

"Thanks" I mumble.

"I saw Isobel last night" Ric tells Damon.

"Isobel is here?" Damon asks and Ric nods. "In town?" he asks.

"Yes Damon" I snap. Grayson steers and I sigh rocking him gently. Not wanting him to wake up just yet.

"Did you ask her about Uncle John? Are they working together?" Damon asks Ric. I frown, why would Ric ask Isobel about uncle John? He'd never work with a vampire. Let alone my vampire birth mother.

"No" Ric answers.

"No they're not?" Damon asks.

"No, I didn't ask" Ric clarifies.

"What about the invention?" Damon asks. Ok, I am so out of the loop. Elena has a lot of explaining to do. I give her a look and she nods, mouthing hat she'd explain later.

"Didn't ask" Ric tells him.

"Did she know about the tomb vampires?" Damon asks him.

"I don't know" Ric states.

"Did words completely escape you?" Damon demands.

"No, I was a little too distracted by my dead vampire wife to ask any questions" Ric snaps.

"What did she want?" Damon asks.

"She wants to see Mira and I" Elena answers.

"Alaric is supposed to arrange a meeting. We don't know why or what she wants" Stefan adds.

"You don't have to see her if you don't want to" Damon tells Elena and I.

"You think I want to see that woman?" I snap. "I'd rather poke my eyes out, but we don't have a choice" I state.

Mira Gilbert: TVD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now