26~The Day

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April 15th 

I sit at the Angelwood Courthouse, which is located 3 miles from the Academy. I fiddle nervously with my fingers and look at the other students and their parents go in and out of the courtroom door. On my left is my mother and father, my mother has my hand in her own for comfort and support. I had to tell my mother what has been going on with me at school, between Alchemy and myself, and everything.

Of course, she was shocked to learn what was going on and even more, appalled at my choice of court instead of laying low like usual.

I had no clue the court date would be the very next month, I always thought these things took longer to put together. It came so fast. In a hurry, I had to gather up the witnesses that were only on the list. But, I could only get five of them not including Cole and Andy to testify or come.

In the four weeks that passed, Alchemy had come to me on numerous occasions and begged me to drop the charges I had made against her. Alchemy promised me she would be a better friend, but I knew better than to believe anything she said. She always did that. Apologize and say she will be better and do better. She would change for a few days then go right back to the way she was before. I think it was only to shut me up for a few days. Especially since everything else she had been saying to me over the years have been nothing but lies.

When that had not worked, Alchemy resorted to threats. Threatened to take Cole away from me or to make everyone in school and on base hate me. I recorded most of it with my phone and a voice recorder I had picked up at a pawnshop on the way home after school.

At some point, I have thought about dropping the charges against Alchemy for my own sake. I really do not like that kind of attention, but it has to be brought to light to ensure this does not happen again to anyone.

Around school, I have had plenty of people, students that have been bullied come to me and ask me for advice on how to stop the bullies or stand up to them without becoming one. I did not know how to answer so I gave them the best advice I could in hopes that it would help them. I also invited them to come to the club after school at my house.

It became a hangout of sorts, where they started showing up at my house after school for help and to meet new friends and people just like them.

Later, when the club began to grow; Andy and I had to move it to the small house we have in the backyard. It felt good to know that I was not alone in this like I thought I was. However, they backed down when I asked them to testify, I understood why they would not. I did not hold it against them or boot them out the club.

Cole has been supportive and has come back to school, but still, works as a candy stripper during the nights and weekends. 

Cole asked me to also be his girlfriend while we were at a restaurant a few weeks ago. I was not sure why he asked me, but he explained that since the day he was drunk. (Yeah, I was rather embarrassed he really did remember me.) I remembered when Tyasia and Kinsey had me watch the video of him and Andy making out and saying all those means things about me. But, at this point in time, I didn't care. I was about to have my friend boyfriend and I know that it is going to be glorious. Maybe he and Andy won't be so close. 

He thought I was very gorgeous that day, even in his drunken stupor. That and my bravery towards Alchemy is what made him admire me more. I did not think I would have a boyfriend or even a person that likes me. It is so surreal to me, but he is a compassionate, chivalrous guy.

Andy? She has been a great friend, a lot better than Alchemy. Andy is the one who got some of the students to testify against Alchemy. Andy has also made it a habit for her and me to have slumber parties every few weekends. She even brought two more girls from school. Catori Comox and Kilenya Salish, sophomores as well as two new friends for Andy and me.

At home, Sydnie and Brent are doing well. Sydnie has been a nice sister yet something has been going on with Sydnie's attitude. It is not something I can really explain in detail, but I can say that she has been very moody lately more than usual. Zander made the softball team and his grades are improving, he almost made the principal's list. Nickolas; he no longer picks on me and is trying to woo Andy into being with him.

However, Andy is not really into Nickolas because of how he treated me and how he unexpectedly treats Andy and Alchemy's half-sister, Opal. Andy wants nothing to do with him. The rejection caused Nickolas to keep to himself even though his grades are improving as well.

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