10~Defense and Old Friendships

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I sit in the back of my 4th-period math class as I and the rest of the students take a math test. My thoughts are still on what my sister and I talked about last night, Alchemy's attitude and I rather having someone treat me worse than being alone.

Having someone treat me worse than being alone? I start to rethink what I said to my sister. Because now it is just starting to sound plain crazy. Who would want someone who treats them badly to be their friend? Who would want that person in their life period?

It makes no sense, but I guess since Alchemy and I have been friends for a long time, I would give her the chance to straighten up.

Going through these things in my mind made it hard to focus on the test in front of me.

I realize my best friend's attitude didn't start when we entered high school but when we both were coming out of elementary school and going into middle school. She just started acting differently once she got around a bunch of boys. When we got to high school, it just got worse.

Someone throws a glue stick at me interrupting my state of mind and the glue stick hits me in the forehead, tears form in my eyes as I try my best to continue working as a small lump forms. I rub my forehead and hyperventilate in order to keep the tears back.

Professor Payge looks up upon hearing tittering. She stands up and walks around the room; she always has a sixth sense for who starts trouble. Considering it is always the same people causing different problems. She stops at a boy's desk.

"So Mr. Pea." She begins.

A medium brown skin boy with cornrows stops laughing and looks up at Professor Payge with a horrified expression, "Ma'am?"

"You think it's okay to throw things in my class at other students, don't you? And think I wouldn't notice?" She taps her long fingernails on his desk in an impatient manner.

The boy shakes his head, "Ms. Payge, I didn't do anything." Obviously lying to Ms. Payge.

"He did." Cole defends me, once again. Drew throws Cole a nasty look and Cole shrugs his shoulders.

"Thank you, Santiago." She looks at the boy. "There is one witness against you, Drew Pea. I know how they do things in the Youth Group when it comes to bullying. You'll be lucky to even stay in the Youth Group, now."

Drew gathers his things sadly; without another word and exits the room. Drew knows if he is kicked out of the Youth Group. His father would have a fit and possibly throw Drew out of the house or beat him.

I turn to Cole, "Thank you." I mouth.

He nods and goes back to doing his work. I raise my hand and ask to go to the bathroom. Having granted the permission and the bathroom pass, I amble out of the classroom and to the nearest bathroom.

Closing the door, I run the water and splash some on my face to try to get rid of the tears which are burning the rims of my eyes. Come on, Sirrah. You can pull through this. I tell myself as I stare in the mirror. The bathroom door opens, causing me to jump. It's Tannya.

"Hey." She greets me.

"Hi." I grab a few hand towels and dap my face dry. Tannya goes into an empty stall, a few seconds later she comes out and turns the water on.

She wets her hands and runs them through her long, wavy black hair. Then dries them on her jeans.

As I'm about to leave, Tannya touches my arm gently and speaks up, "Can I talk to you for a minute, Sirrah?"

I close the door. "Um...Okay." I shrug my shoulders. My eyes shift to the left then meet her's.

"The reason why I apologized that day was...." She begins to rub her forearms as if. "I suddenly remembered you from New Beginnings House."

My eyes darted to her eyes. "New Beginnings House? The orphan center?"

"Yes, I was there. I know you don't remember me because you were about 4 or 5 years old. But, we used to play together and I would read to you." Tannya's eyes are beaming. "I didn't remember you until I got up from my desk and looked directly at you. Everything came rushing back to me at once." She looks up shaking her head, she peers at me. "I couldn't believe it was you. It was actually you."

My lips part, not knowing what to say. I do remember bits and pieces of her, but never knew her name. I just knew she was my friend and I wanted to go where she went. Only when she was adopted, I couldn't go with her. Tears once again begin to burn the rims of my eyes. Tannya steps in and hugs me. I hug her back. "I'm so sorry, Sirrah. I am."

I sniffle, "It's okay, Tannya. It's okay."

We let go and Tannya rakes her fingers through my long black silky hair. "Everything will be okay now." She pushes some of my hair behind my ear. 

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