Scene 4

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"Seems like there's trouble in paradise", April says from where she's sitting next to us, pointing at the group of the hottest five guys the college has to offer, walking together along the cafeteria. She's smirking bright, sucking on her lollipop in her "I love to make boys cry" T-Shirt.

"What do you think happened? Alec seemed pretty furious as he left", Soph joins the conversation, since her boyfriend happens to be one of the named five guys. That guy is so ridiculously hot, the fact he's a billionaire only comes as a bonus.

"I don't know." I reply. "They never hang out together, unless they have to. And they for sure not have Fab Five meetings or whatever. This is new."

"Then it's serious", April says, her smirk brighter. I can't stop but chuckle.

"You are actually enjoying this", I let out and April nods, making her braids swing in the air.

"As long as it makes Coin crush and burn, I love it", she replies. Noah Coin, the captain of the football team, another ridiculously hot guy, is her worst enemy. I've known April since my freshman year, when we were selected to the same dorm room. There are five girls in our dorm room. Soph, April, Dia, Nessie and me. We all became besties and are inseparable since. They are now the family I've always wanted yet never got.

"You two are going to kill each other one day", Soph replies and I have to laugh again. The laughter is quickly stopped as a pair of deep green-blue eyes meets mine. And I have to swallow hard. Caden West, Wrencore's hockey legend, just looked at me. From all the five guys, Caden is the only one I find beautiful rather than hot. Everything about him is perfect. His eyes. He's dark hair. His well-worked body, that shows off the fact the guy is an athlete. He's the only one that ever managed to give me butterflies. And he doesn't even notice me.

I swallow hard and try to push the thought aside. As I said, I'm not looking for a boyfriend. Not after the years of hard work I put to run away from my past.

"Daddy Boy really seems pissed", April continues, using the nickname she chose for Soph's boyfriend.

"He really is", Soph answers in a worried tone, her eyes fixed on Alec.

"Then it must be something you related", April replies smirking. She's right again. Dunn might be a tough guy and all, but he also has one weakness. Soph. He threatens any guy that dares to look at her more than five seconds with a death stare and would kill anyone who hurts her.

"I hope it's not. For the sake of the person." If there were any rumours of Alec hurting guys that hit on Soph before, her face expression right now confirms them all.

Silence installs at our table, so to break it, I ask: "We're still up for movie night tonight, right?"

Soph and April both nod their heads. Dia and Nessie, who were kissing their boyfriends until now, probably missing out the whole conversation, decline, saying they have plans with the guys. I bet I know what plans. Still sucking on her lollipop, April asks: "But can we please watch anything else rather than romcom?"

I quickly shake my head. I'm a romcom obsessed person. I love the little clichés, like the umbrella scenes or the cringey stuff. I love them.

"No way. We already settled on Mama Mia."

"We've already watched it like a thousand times. No." April tries to protest, yet I have an argument that always works.

"We get to do ABBA karaoke."

She even makes the effort to seem to think about it for a second before her face lights up and she says: "Yes. I take the lead on Money Money."

"I'll need a video of that." We can hear Dia say, giving off her headphones for a few seconds. Dia, well actually Lydia but we always call her by her nickname, always wears headphones on. No matter if she's alone or with people, she always has them on. Only when we five are together she would give them off. Yet the rest of the time, those on-ear big black headphones are either around her neck or covering her ears.

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