Scene 31

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I wake up at the smell of fresh made pastry. It is a weird feeling, since at my place, neither Jacob or I bake. And we both go out of the house really early. So, I normally usually eat a bagel on the way to training or a protein bar. But never freshly made something.

I try to stand up and go away, but that's when I see Nini next to me. And bits of last night flash through my mind. The party after our game. The fight. The car ride to the police station. The waiting. The time Nini came to sleep next to me.

I swallow hard and a shiver goes through me. All I want is to stay here and make sure she's okay. But then I look at the time on my phone. It's already ten o'clock. I've missed morning training a long time ago. Plus the first classes. If I hurry, I can make it to the other classes and training though.

But then I look at her. She needs me more than they need me now. And I for sure don't want to go.

I lean over to her and kiss her forehead. Then, I carefully get out of bed to let her sleep in silence. I get my phone and look for a place I can call someone without Nini hearing it. She needs her sleep.

I decide to go to the kitchen, from where probably the smell comes. I tiptoe my way there, and freeze as I see the view. Alec, the Alec Dunn, is standing at the kitchen isle, dressed in a big "I ♡︎ Cordelia" T-Shirt Sofia probably gave him and some checkered pyjama pants, that seem to be his size. He's working concentrated on some kind of dough. As he sees me, he nods and says: "Morning, West".

"Morning", I say, still can't believing what I'm seeing. The dude is supposed to kill people in his free time. Not bake in his pyjama.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask carefully. He looks around as if the answer were obvious and says, his voice cold: "Breakfast."

"You? Making breakfast?" I let out, still can't believing it.

"Yeah, believe it or not", he replies, clearly annoyed. But not by the fact he's making breakfast. But by my presence.

Since I don't have a death wish, I shut up for some time. Which gives me time to analyze him. For a person so morally grey, he also looks like one. He has a pair of very dark eyes, that give you shivers just by looking at them. He also has two scars, one of his cheek and one of his neck. The scar on his cheek is the new one, he got it a few months ago. How he got it, still remains a mystery.

"Darrel already announced all our professors we'll be missing classes today", Alec says after a while, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"What?!" I ask surprised. That was exactly what I was planning to do now.

"Yeah. We thought we might need the day off. I am staying with Foxy, who's still pretty shaken from last night. She thought you might want to spend the day with Nini, so we also got you two a free day."

"Thank you", I say, clearly not knowing what else to do. For a guy who is insufferable, he can also be pretty okay to hang out with.

Alec doesn't answer to my thank you, only nods. In order to escape another awkward silence, I shift the conversation to another topic.

"What are you making for breakfast?"

He looks at me confused for some seconds, then answers in the same serious tone: "Croissants", My jaw drops.

"You know how to bake croissants?" I ask, a bit too surprised since he throws me a glare. He then goes back to the dough and responds:

"Foxy's favorite food. I learned how to make it."

"Damn!" I let out. "Who would have thought you would get boyfriend of the year award?"

He swallows hard, visibly tensing. "It's the least I can do."

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