Scene 29

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As I open the door, the first thing I notice is the staring. A bunch of people just gathered in front of the bathroom, staring. Then, I notice the people I recognize from the ones staring. Caden, who immediately runs to me and hugs me. I sink my face in his chest and tears roll down again.

"I am so sorry, Broadway", he whispers, his lips sunk in my hair. I wrap my arms tighter around him and he pulls me closer.

As I look again at the crowd, I notice someone who shouldn't be here. Alec. He is standing in his tux, clearly just coming from his office although it's 2 am in the morning, and his eyes express worries. I've never seen him like this before. He is visibly showing emotions and being nervous, not caring about the people around him who might notice. His eyes are fixed on the door and he only takes a deep breath as soon as he sees Soph coming out. I see him checking her out in a millisecond, making sure she's unharmed and that everything is fine, then rushing to her. Soph, who now noticed him as well, lets out an "Alec!". As he's close, he wraps his arms around her and lifts her up to him. The two whisper something I don't understand. After a few seconds, they come to us; better said, Alec walks to us carrying Soph in his arms. His eyes are back to being cold and emotionless, only changing to human feelings when he looks at my bestie.

"I heard what happened." He says, not giving any details about how he had heard. Honestly, I don't think I want to know. The guy has blackmail material for all of us, so I'm sure he has his sources.

"I am very sorry, Nini", he continues, to which I gasp. He usually calls me by my surname, Elway. Calling me by my first name shows he understands how little I want to have anything to do with that family. And makes me feel grateful.

"Thank you", I whisper and he only nods serious. He then turns his focus back on Soph, making sure she's alright and whispering other stuff in her ear, to make her smile.

Dia then runs to me, followed by Jacob. I can see her eyes are red and her makeup destroyed. She's been crying.

"Nini! I was so scared", she begins, hugging me and holding me tight. Although I can feel how hard it must be for her to be without her music now, her headphones are around her neck.

"It's fine..." I whisper, holding her closer.

"No, it's not fine. That woman...Nini, I'm so sorry. I really am", she says and tears start rolling back down her cheeks.

"It's not your fault, Dia", I say. "It really isn't."

She nods and lets me go, only to give me an encouraging look.

The last one to come talk to me is Darrel, who asks: "Are you alright, Miss Elway?"

"I am. Thank you, Darrel."

"I was just doing my job, Miss", he adds, although that's not exactly true. His job is to protect Soph. Not me. So it shows he doesn't hate me that much. Maybe not at all.

"Miss Elway", a new voice says. I turn around and see a police officer, a man around his thirties, looking straight at me with a worried expression. I take a deep breath and although I don't want to talk to him right now, I reply: "That's me."

The man nods and points me the direction of the door. "I'll ask you to come to the station with me for a few questions, Miss."

I immediately feel a chill go down my spine again. And the shivers. Instinctively, I search with my look for my friends. Soph is standing together with Alec, him hugging her and offering her his jacket, since she is shivering. She is fixing me with her eyes however, waiting for any sign I might give for her to come. Dia is crying in a corner with her headphones on, talking to Jacob, who seems to calm her down a bit. Caden, well, I don't even need to search for him. As if he knew what might happen, he appears on my side and places his hand on my waist, to make me understand he's here with me.

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