Scene 39

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It's the 14th February. Valentine's Day. And the last two weeks of planning Nini's surprise come down to this moment. I'm standing in front of my car, which is parked exactly in front of her dorm. Before I begin, I go through the list on more time in my head.

Caden's list to surprising Broadway

1. Say Anything

2. Love Actually

3. 500 Days of Summer

4. To All the Boys I've Loved

5. LaLaLand

6. The Notebook

It took me a lot of time to come to this list. Better said, it took me hours and hours of bingeing romcoms. After coming with this list, I had to ask around for help to make it come true. Jacob was on board from the start, helping me get some stuff I'll need tonight. Sofia also agreed to help me out, getting the clothes that play a huge role in this surprise. Everything is supposed to go perfectly. All for my beautiful date.

Which brings me back to where I'm standing. In front of their dorm. A boombox in my hands, and I'm holding it over my head. I take a deep breath and play the song. In Your Eyes.  I set the volume so loud, that the people inside the building can hear it. Some of them look outside the window, smiling at me the moment they see me. I smile in return and wait patiently for the one I actually want to see looking from out that window.

The moment I can see Nini look outside, I have to smile. She looks perfect. She's wearing a nice red dress that matches her hair. Her lips are the same color and her hair is styled in a nice ponytail. As our eyes meet and she sees what I'm doing, her smile grows brighter. I can feel some butterflies, going through me. She mouths that she'll be right back and disappears in the room. Only to come out the main door seconds later, out of breath from running.

Phase 1 of my plan complete. Say Anything.

Phase 2 of my plan can begin.

I open the car door and take out the huge white cards I prepared yesterday. I hold them in front of her so she can read them. I know what they say anyway.

"Dear Broadway, the moment you walked into my life is my happiest moment."

"I love everything about you. Your smile. The way you kiss me. The texts we send to each other. The hugs you give me. Your eyes. Everything."

I can see her gasp and a tear rolling down her cheek. It's a tear of joy, I can see it in her eyes. I show her the next card.

"To me, you are perfect."

She gasps again and wants to run over to me to hug me. Although there's nothing I'd like more, there are still two cards left to show her.

"So now, I only have one question for you..."

"Will you be my Valentine?"

She nods and rushes to me. I throw the cards away to free my hands and be able to take her in.  She wraps her hands around my neck, her feet around my waist and crashes her lips on mine. I hold even tighter to her and kiss her with the passion to show her what she means to me. My everything.

I hold her close for a few seconds. Until I gently place her down and open her the car door to the passenger's seat, for her to get inside. She smiles and I help her in. Then, I go around the car and to the driver's seat, ready to begin part three of my plan.

Phase 2 completed. Love Actually.

I'm driving the car and can feel Nini's gaze on me. She hasn't taken her eyes off me ever since she hugged me in front of her dorm. And she smiles. Such an honest smile that it gives me thousands of new butterflies.

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