Scene 45

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I need to talk to her. So the next morning, I drive to her dorm.

I walk up the staircase and to her door. My heart beats like crazy as I ring the doorbell. Every part of me wants her. Wants to see her again. Yet on the other hand, I also wonder whether it's too soon to start trying to win her back.

They say the sooner the better.

I hope they're right.

The door opens, yet it's not Nini who now is in front of me. Sofia is standing like frozen, her fingers curled tighter around the handle as she notices me. Her bodyguard must have noticed the gesture too, since his fingers now curl around one of the sides of his pants. On a pocket that looks incredibly similar to a gun holder. I swallow hard and turn my attention back to Sofia. I can see how something is different about her. At first, I don't even recognize what. Her hair is still perfectly styled, as if she just came out from a hair salon. Her outfit is like the other ones she's wearing, basically Chanel head-to-toe. I remember how Tessa had once had a phase in which she tried to copy Sofia's look. Said that she wouldn't remain the only fancy dressed person at Wrencore. However, all her attempts failed. While the clothes didn't seem to match to Tessa, but rather like they would be forced onto her, Sofia seems to own this look. Like they were only ever meant to be hers.

I look at her again trying to figure out what happened. Because believe it or not, I started to give a shit about her. Not in a romantic way. The only one I even look at in a romantic way is Nini. She's in my every dream, my every thought and my every breath. I started to look at Sofia as a friend. It's clear she cares about my girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, and she has saved me multiple times from making a complete fool of myself. Seeing Sofia hurt isn't exactly pleasant. And I know she's hurt. Because that's what changed. Her eyes. They are now filled with worries and a slight tone of red. The only crack in her perfectness. The only sign that she's indeed in pain.

"Caden", she greets me after some time, making it clear she's been analyzing me too. And from the way she said it, it's clear she realized how hurt I am.

I can hear voices from inside the apartment. My heart only focuses on one. Nini's. She's here.

"Let me talk to her", I ask Sofia, my eyes begging her for help. She wants to say something, yet her other bestie appears in front of the door, her long dark curls slapping me in the face as she turns to look at the blonde. As April meets my eyes, I instantly realize the hair slap was intentional. Especially as her eyes scream You deserved this.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" April asks me, skipping the greeting. I try not to sound annoyed as I explain.

"I came here to talk to Nini. I need to tell her what actually happened."

Both girls open their mouths to answer, yet it's Nini's voice toning from the living room that is to be heard first.

"Tell Caden I'm busy right now. And tell him to get lost."

I swallow hard, her words like bullets to my heart. I deserve this. I know I did. After how bad I fucked things up.

Keep trying. No matter how hard, Jacob's advice flashes through my mind.

And I might be a fool, but I continue.

"I just need to talk to you, Broadway. Please."

Her answer isn't instant. It takes a while before we can hear something else again. And it's not her voice. But footsteps. In a few seconds, Nini is standing in the doorstep next to her friends. I take a moment to look at her. And I immediately feel sick. Her eyes are redder than I have ever seen them. Her mouth seems to haven't smiled for decades. Her palms have red spots from where they have been bleeding, probably after Nini dug her fingers into her skin.

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