Chapter 2

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Two weeks after Ned Stark pulled the support of the North and Lyanna was announced as not only a willing queen but mother to two heirs of the realm, the rebellion crumbled. 

Many houses pulled their support after hearing the actual story. A few remained but with 3/4 of their forces gone, they were quickly overtaken. 

Robert Baratheon and Stannis Baratheon were both executed. A young Renly Baratheon bent the knee to the new king and was declared Lord of Storm's end. Renly was married to Cersei Lannister shortly after in an attempt for the Lannisters to gain standing once more after momentarily joining the other side. 

Queen Rhaella died in childbirth, giving life to Princess Daenerys 'storm-born' Targaryen. After Kingslanding was retaken by Rhaegar and Lyanna, Viserys and Daenerys were brought home to rejoin their family. 

While the young prince Viserys was cold and distant towards his sister, he absolutely adored the heiress Daenyra. In his young mind, Daenerys had caused their mother's death but Daenyra was the perfect savior brought to restore the house of the dragon. It vaguely reminded Daenyra of her husband Aegon as a child, always crying out for 'his daeny'. 

The House of the Dragon was once again in power. There was a coronation where each lord was forced to bend the knee for the new king and queen. Their first-born, Princess Daenyra, was officially named heir to the Iron Throne. 

It brought Daenyra a sick sense of satisfaction that even hundreds of years later it was her efforts that had changed the timeline. Her laws had crushed a rebellion.

The only thing that truly baffled her was that Lyanna Stark was alive. Why the fuck was Lyanna Stark alive?!? None of her efforts could have changed that outcome so why was she in the arms of a dead woman? 

What could have possibly changed that allowed Lyanna Stark to survive? 

Mae Adler died at age 16 in a car accident. 

She was in the backseat on her way to the beach with her family. She had been re-reading her latest fixation, a House of the Dragon fanfiction on her phone called "Pawn to Queen". She liked reading about the girl, Ash, who got reincarnated into the show and decided to finesse, fight, and fuck her way to the top. 

She did hate the ending though. I mean how could Daenyra die of old age, only to be reborn again? She was hoping for a more dramatic ending. Well, that was until she died, after that death by old age didn't sound so bad. 

A truck failed to stop at a red light and plowed right into her side of the car. She had died on impact so at least she didn't really feel it. 

As any fanfiction reader knows, reincarnation stories are a lot of fun until you become one. 

She had been reborn as the home recking tramp who fucked everything to the seven hells, also known as Lyanna Stark. It was fun for a while, she became best friends with her brother Ned. She tried desperately to avoid Robert Baratheon but the delusional fuck only seemed to find that more endearing. 

She rejected his marriage proposal so she has no idea where he got the idea that she was his stolen bride. 

She tried to avoid Rhaegar Targaryen too...


But the books weren't lying, that dude was gorgeous! 

She tried not to get attached but falling in love with him seemed as easy as breathing. She tried to write to Ned and tell him what happened but the gods mus not have allowed that to get to him. The timeline seemed obnoxiously unchanged. But right after their secret wedding, Rhaegar started speaking about his family history and one name popped up... Daenyra "The Conqueror" Targaryen, the golden queen. 

He talked about her three husbands and how she united the three realms. He spoke so fondly, there was a pride in his eyes of having been her descendent. 

It was then she grew noticeably quiet because it was then she recognized she wasn't in Game of Thrones.

Well, she was, but not the cannon Game of Thrones. She was in the "Pawn to Queen" Universe. She was in the world that a brilliant fanfiction writer created not G.R.R. Martin! 

She put it out of her mind, maybe nothing would change! Maybe the timeline would be the same and she would not be there to see it. She didn't want to die again, but everything in the story had been the same so far. No matter how much she tried to change it, the same things always happened. 

It wasn't until she gave birth that she found out why. 

When they handed her twins, she knew. She couldn't change anything because she was not the main character of the story. The moment Daenyra ii Targaryen was placed in her arms, frustrated and fighting she knew. 

She was a side character in a sequel. Ash aka Daenyra had died and been reborn again. The main character of her last read fanfiction was just pushed out of her vagina. 

Rhaegar named them and she knew. 

It was only when the Golden Queen stepped back onto the board that the Game of Thrones changed. Mae or now Lyanna survived birth. The rebellion was crushed and Robert was dead. Cercei married Renly and Rhaegar was named king. 

All she had to do was exist and time changed around her. Mae was a little jealous she had to admit. She had tried so hard to alter the timeline only for nothing to happen. All Ash had to do was live and the world bowed before her. 

She watched the story repeat before her eyes. Aegon (jon snow) would scream if he was separated from his sister, Viserys was obsessive about his niece, even Rhaegar seemed completely captivated by the golden baby. 

Lyanna knew Daenyra had that effect on people. She was manipulative and gorgeous and smart and ruthless. She had what it took to win the Game of Thrones and she did. 

One night, a year after the twins' birth, Lyanna snuck into the nursery. She woke Daenyra only to earn a cold scowl from the unpleased babe. She babbled in frustration, whining when Lyanna picked her up. 

"Alright, I need to talk to you Daenyra..."

Daeny quieted, giving her a look that subtly said 'Well go on, you already woke me up!'

"I know you are reincarnated... I know your name was Ash and you became Daenyra Targaryen who conquered the world, nice on that by the way, total girl boss move... I know everything because I got reincarnated here too." 

That seemed to wake the baby up. 

Her bright purple eyes shined with confusion and interest. She really was too cute, it's no wonder she walked every man like a dog. 

Lyanna then explained everything, telling Daenyra about the fanfiction she read and how she died. She told her how the timeline changed and how it remained the same. She could tell Daenyra was having a hard time staying awake, her body still remained an infant after all. 

She put the little Conqueror to bed, kissing her goodnight. She was a total fangirl for Daenyra but she still felt like her mother. In the end, all she could do was follow Daenyra's lead as the years go by. 

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