Chapter 3

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In her old age, Daenyra was tired. 

Sure physically she was only three, but after two lifetimes and an endless supply of fuckery, there is only so much a person can take mentally. Now she had some teeny fangirl following her around, smirking every time she acted cute to get what she wanted. 

She would raise an eyebrow every time Aegon or Viserys was following her. Even Daenerys seemed to gravitate toward her. Usually, she had to at least manipulate people into worshipping her, maybe she had just gotten too good at her job. It felt like she didn't even have to try and people gravitated towards her. Maybe it was the fact that they were all technically her descendants. 

Whatever the case, she was the diamond once more. 

At three years old she was finally fully capable of communication so she spent the majority of her time thinking out loud to her shy twin brother. He held her hand as she babbled about how stupid their ancestors were for not maintaining good relations between the realms. 

For a while, the three realms remained united under the siblings' rule. Their children intermarried and Targaryens continued to rule the world. Valyria was completely isolated after her grandson King Daene Targaryen of Essos started a war with them over Laenys Targaryen's hand. Westeros had also grown hostile against the other two realms mainly due to the greed of their lords. Essos had been in trouble since the heir to the throne, Aemma Targaryen abdicated and ran off with a Dothraki warlord, she later gave birth to a boy Daenyra recognized from GOT named Khal Drogo.

At least the Noble houses she established still stood strong. Percival, Gawaine, and Lancelot all remained in power in Essos. The Targaryen house also still ran Volaris and the descendants of the Velyrions also lived on. 

At least her pawns weren't complete failures. 

She was sad to see the empire she built, crumbling under her idiotic descendants, and she still hadn't heard what had become of her son, Aerys, position of defender of the realms. There was supposed to be a well-respected mediator Targaryen that ensured that the three-headed dragon remained as one. No matter how much she looked, no word of Aerys Targaryen, son of King Daemon existed beyond the fact that he was born and he married Gwen's daughter. 

Rhaegar and Aemma did well.

Viserys did alright, considering his twin, the love of his life was dead. 

Even Rhaegon didn't completely fuck up, although that was mainly Visenya's doing. 

Daenyra gave birth to eight strong dragons, so why are her descendants such royal pussies. It's like Rhaenyra and her father all over again, completely useless or mad! She was desperate to meet the others. She hoped they at least remained dragons. 

OH! That was another thing, the dragons remained. 

In the show, a majority of the dragons had died off thanks to the dance of dragons and the eggs not hatching. But due to her involvement, many more dragons were born. 

Aegon's egg had hatched shortly after his birth, Daenyra's however did not. He had named his dragon Sky-Spirit, due to his white scales and red eyes. Daenyra knew why her's didn't hatch, of course, she already bonded with a dragon.

While Rhaegar was disappointed, on her second name day her dragon-less status changed. There was a hunt hosted in the twins' honor, during which an enormous shadow had shrouded the encampment in darkness. The nobles screamed as an enormous beast glided down from the heavens. Scales dark as night, eyes blue as the narrow sea. 

A smile grew on the two-year-olds face as her old friend landed before her. 

"Hello, flame of my flame" She had spoken in High Valyrian as Ceniza nuzzled her enormous snout into the child's small hand. 

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