Chapter 7

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"Ouch! Nyra that hurts." Whined Daenerys.

"Well I can't very well control the stability of the carriage, can I? You asked for me to braid your hair, you knew the risks," Daenyra smirked back, continuing her attempt to finish the complex series of Valyrian braids as the carriage bobbed back and forth down the rocky roads to the north. 

It hadn't taken much convincing for Lyanna to agree to show them Winterfell. The position of Hand of the King had been vacant for years as Rhaegar held little trust for anyone outside of the family. 

The previous hand Lord Tywin Lannister stepped down in order to return to Casterly Rock when the twins were ten. The seat had remained vacant since until Rhaegar agreed to elevate his brother-in-law, Ned Stark.

They had been on the road for a month. 

It was mind-numbing, the flight could have easily been made on dragon back. Her beloved beast circled overhead with Ghost and Drogon. Rhaegar however refused to leave the keep without heavy guard. He had grown paranoid after seeing firsthand how quickly the Lords could turn on him and incite rebellion. 

"I can see it! There's Winterfell! Come my diamond, this is the home of your mother." Lyanna smiled, pulling back the curtain to show Daenyra. 

It was vast, to say the least. The castle was ancient and built to withstand the harshest cold. "It is beautiful," Daenyra admitted. 

It could hold no candle to her beautiful palace in Camelot nor was it as ancient and intimidating as her home in Valyria. But it was beautiful in its own quaint way. 

A shy smile spread on her lips as she saw the towering walls of Winterfell in the distance. She didn't want to break Lyanna's heart by reminding her she had visited Winterfell before. She had fucked Rickon Stark within the walls more than once. 

It was then the startling realization hit her that she was now a descendant of her ex-lover Rickon through Lyanna. She was her own descendant as well... She had grown accustomed to the practice of incest, mostly because in her own mind they were not her relatives at all, just mere pawns in a grander game. 

She hadn't really thought of it until that moment. 

She had fucked her own twin brother every chance they got. He was insatiable in his need to taste her, not that she minded. But she supposed it was odd... maybe she had grown too insensitised to the strangeness of it all. 

Not that she would stop mind you. 

The carriage pulled in and out front stood the Starks all in a row just as they had all those centuries ago. 

Aegon lowered himself from his horse, offering a hand for Lyanna, then Daenerys, and finally his sister Daenyra.

She emerged and the air seemed to change around her. She looked angelic as the northern sun bounced off her features. Her eyes immediately met Robb's. His breath caught and his heart shuttered in his chest as he met her kind violet eyes. Ned raised a brow at his son's reaction. Even in his bowed state, he side-eyed his blushing son, who was panting like a direwolf. 

Sure the princess was gorgeous but dear gods old and new the boy was practically drooling.

Aegon remained close to the heir to the Iron Throne as she made her way to stand with their parents. He sneered as he saw the wide-eyed awe of the Winterfell boys, staring at his Daenyra. Robb Stark was the biggest threat, his pale cheeks flushing red as he looked upon Daenyra for the first time. 

"King Rhaegar Targaryen, first of his name. King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Protector of the Realm." A man announced as Rhaegar lept from his horse with practiced ease, making his way to his wife as her title was announced. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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