Chapter 4

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The maids fluttered about the room, trying to keep busy as Malley was finishing up the complicated series of braids in Daenyra's silvery blonde hair. A ruby tiara rested atop her head, matching the gorgeous red and black dress that fit her forming curves. She wondered if Aegon too was getting fussed over, it was their thirteenth birthday after all. 

She was certain that Aegon was spending even more time on his own hair than she was on the elaborate updo. Truly there is nothing he dotes on as much as his own hair. 

Well, there was one thing he doted on more... his twin sister. 

Aegon was positively obsessive about Daenyra. He had been completely in love with her since the day they were born. His devotion went beyond that of a brother, Aegon craved Daenyra though they hadn't actually done anything particularly romantic. 

He did get jealous very often, but most wrote it off as a protective brother. The one person who truly brought out Aegon's rage was his uncle Viserys. Long ago, Viserys declared that Daenyra would one day be his bride and he never let the notion slip. Aegon hated the idea of Viserys touching his twin, hated the idea of any man touching his twin really. 

Ever since Aegon recognized his feelings for Daenyra he had become very possessive. She was his, they were two halves of one soul. 

But they were thirteen now... things could happen. 

Daenyra was losing her mind in the years of celibacy. Before she had three husbands and six lovers on the side, she was constantly having sex. Then she got reborn and had to start all over again. She was desperate to fuck someone. Even in her first life sex was always her favorite poison. In her second life, she whored her way to the top. Now in her third life, she had been a nun up until this point and she decided that over three hundred years was a long enough wait. 

Lyanna entered the room, looking beautiful as ever. With a nod of her head, she excused all the maids and was alone in the room with her daughter. 

"So... thirteen!" Lyanna said awkwardly but that fangirl gleam shone brightly in her eyes. 

"Yes, I am going to fuck someone, Mae."

"OH THANK GOD! I have been waiting for the hoe tendencies to make an appearance. Are you gonna do the three-husband thing again? Who's it gonna be? Jon? Viserys? Robb? You did lose the V-card to a Stark last time, maybe make it a tradition. Don't say Joffery, I'll actually kill you... OOO What about Theon or Ramsay, they were hot in the show. Do you swing both ways? Because Daenerys and you would be cute. Although-"

"Shut up, Mae"

"Yes ma'am!"

Daenyra turned to her fellow reincarnation. Sure Mae was annoying, but she idolized Daenyra and her whole "girl-boss energy" (Mae's words not hers). Lyanna truly did love Rhaegar, but she was bored and needed more drama so she live vicariously through Daenyra. 

"I will decide tonight."

Aegon waited anxiously outside the doors to the throne room where the festivities had already begun. The crown dug into his skull as he waited for his sister. He hated these types of events, they were loud and there were always too many people. But this ball in particular called under his skin. 

He knew what this ball was really for. Yes, they were celebrating the heirs turning 13, but all the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes would be in attendance. This ball was to gain a betrothal for him and his sister. 

But Aegon didn't want some noble lady. He didn't want an alliance or a love match, the gods already gave him a love match at birth. He wanted no one but Daenyra. 

He was afraid to bring it up to his father. If he was denied, they would both immediately be betrothed to others to ensure nothing scandalous could occur. She would most likely be forced to marry that bastard Viserys while he would have to marry Daenerys. 

There was nothing wrong with Daeny, she just wasn't his Nyra. 

He heard the familiar clip of Daenyra's heels against the stone floors of the Red-keep. He turned to see her and his heart nearly stopped in his chest. She was a vision of all things beautiful and graceful in the world. She was the fire that burned in his veins, igniting an inferno of desire within him. She smiled and the hall seem to brighten around her as she looped her arm through his. 

"Ready to make an entrance, my heart?" She asked, that teasing glint in her violet eyes making him smile too. 

"Of course, love. Just stay close so you can protect me from the vultures." Aegon joked. He truly did hate being surrounded by ladies vying for his attention, after all his heart already belonged to someone else. 

The doors swung open and a hush fell over the lively babble of noble chatter. "Introducing Princess Daenyra Targaryen, second of her name, heir to the Iron Throne, and Prince Aegon Targaryen."

The room erupted in polite claps as smiles beamed at the entering royals. Aegon escorted his sister to the front table where Lyanna and Rhaegar sat. Alongside, them were Daenerys and Viserys, also smiling at the birthday twins. 

After they were both sat Rhaegar stood lifting a goblet and the crowd hushed once more, "Thank you all for joining us to celebrate this most joyous occasion. Today we celebrate the birth of my children Daenyra and Aegon. They are the light of my life and I thank the old gods and the new every day for blessing me with such wonderful heirs. With them as the future of the realm, Westeros' fate shall be bright indeed." 

They all clapped as Daenyra and Aegon smiled in thanks, "Let the festivities commence!"

The moment the words stopped echoing through the room, Viserys was up from his seat and at Daenyra's side, "May I have this dance, my lady?" 

A bright teasing smile grew on her face, "I suppose I could spare one dance for someone as dashing as you, my lord." 

Rage gripped Aegon's heart as he watched them take to the dance floor. Wolves may be loyal, but Dragons were notoriously possessive, and Aegon happened to be both. The grip on his goblet grew fiercer the closer Viserys held her. 

A fire grew in Aegon's dark eyes, one that his mother noticed, "Aegon... rather than stew in your own jealousy, why not enjoy your birthday and ask Daenerys to dance."

That only seemed to anger him more. They were trying to separate them, he knew they would. She was his and he was hers from the moment they were conceived to the moment the stranger took them, they were one. 

Rhaegar looked at the exchange in confusion, before finally recognition dawned on his face. He looked between his brother and his son, both vying for Daenyra's attention. He didn't know how he hadn't spotted it sooner. They were after all both obsessed with her since she took her first breath. A slow smirk spread across his lips. 

To him, Daenyra was the Conqueror reborn. 

Why should she stop at two lovers? The dragon always had three heads after all. If she had another brother she could truly recreate the three husbands of Daenyra the first. He shared a knowing look with Lyanna, smirking behind his cup as he watched the scene unfold. 

Viserys kept her attention well through the night. He seemed to claim a majority of her dances, which most would find improper if it weren't for Aegon stepping in sometimes to dance with her. 

That night as Daenyra unbraided her hair, she knew what was coming, more specifically who was coming. She had sent all of her maids away for the evening, saying she was tired. 

She knew what she did to him all night. She knew that he was raging as she laughed and danced with other men. She could feel it in her soul as if his jealousy was her own. 

Just as she suspected, as she was brushing her hair, the hidden door in the wall slid open. 

"Hello, brother."

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