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When my eyes opened again, my room was empty, and the spot on my bed where the wolf had been slaying was warm. I sat up, trying to ignore the ringing in my ears as I looked around my bedroom. It looked... cleaner? My desk was cleared off, and the clothes on my floor had been picked up. Speaking of clothes, someone had removed my blood-soaked shirt and pants and I was wearing a pair of baggy pajama pants. Gray bottoms with white stripes and zigzags on them, and a plain gray shirt. Did Mom change me? I looked down at my arm, and saw that the bite was now a circle of scarred dashes. Damn. It had healed much too quickly to make sense, but nothing had been making sense anyways.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon now. At least, that's what my alarm clock read. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and stood. My knees wobbled beneath my weight, but I was standing without the support of anything. I groaned loudly. There was something wrong with my nose, and my ears. I could hear someone shuffling around outside the door, but it sounded loud enough to be right next to me. I could smell the wolf now, too, the strong musk of outdoors. He smelled... powerful? It didn't make any sense, but it made my stomach feel anxious. 

I staggered over to my door and hung onto the handle for a few moments, screwing my eyes shut as I tried to gather my thoughts. "Ow..." I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose. I was sore, and nauseous, but for some reason my arm felt completely fine. Maybe a little stiff, but it didn't hurt anymore. I could still feel the searing pain of the wolf's fangs sinking into me, and the feeling of sticky blood washing over me. I lifted up my shirt to reveal streaks of blood on my stomach. I'd have to shower to get it off of me. 

I turned the doorknob and poked my head out into the hallway. "Mom?!" I called. Nothing. I shuffled out into the hallway, my bare feet creaking on the floor. "Mom?!" I tried again. I turned the corner, and nearly fell backwards when I saw a strange boy standing in front of the window, holding one of my sweatshirts. He turned his head when my foot creaked loudly on a loose board, and I ducked behind the counter.

"I thought I made it clear I wanted you to stay in bed-" he sighed. He folded the sweatshirt on his chest and set it down on the table in the hallway. I fell to the floor, pressing my hand against my chest as I tried to calm my racing heart. There was a man in my house. First the wolf, now a strange boy? What the fuck was going on. The boy poked his head around the corner. He looked to be around my age, maybe nineteen or twenty, and had a mop of dark brown hair and olive skin. There was a big scar on his neck and two on his right shoulder just barely visible beneath the sleeve of his tight gray T-shirt. He was wearing dark black plants and his feet were bare as well, and they looked filthy. He crossed his arms and stared at me grumpily. "I told you to stay in your bed-" he broke off. "Well, not told exactly, but the message was still clear," he added.

I narrowed my eyes and stared at him. He smelled. But not in a bad way. I could smell everything about him. The soft sheen of sweat on his body, the musk of the forest, and the scent of other... people? I could make out like six different beings just off of him. I touched my nose with my fingers, moving it around. Why did it feel like that? 

The boy took a step towards me. "Alright, come on, back to bed-"

I held up my hand. "Hey, no, how the fuck did you get in your house?"

"If you mean in a literal sense, your mom let me in last night. I've been here since, watching your stupid ass after I found you in the woods," he said simply, as if it were a completely normal thing to wander into somebody's house.

"Why- who-?" I broke off immediately. I had been staring at the man for a solid twenty seconds, and now I realized why he seemed so familiar. His eyes were the same gold shade as the wolf that had attacked me and then somehow dragged me home. "Are you the dog?"

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