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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, and for a split second wondered how the hell they had gotten into my room, but then I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying underneath a tree in the middle of woods with Aster's arms wrapped around me. It took another split-second to remember what had happened last night, and then just one more to realize that Aster and I were both stark naked.

My face turned bright red as I realized how prominently his dick was pressed up against my stomach. Of course when you shift you can't keep your clothes on, and we had fallen asleep curled up as wolves. I must've shifted back in my sleep or something, and now I needed to at least find a pair of shorts to wear. I squirmed in Aster's tight grip.

"Hah~" he moaned softly in my ear.

I blushed even harder. I didn't know how to wriggle my way out of his death grip without practically grinding against him and waking him up. I lay there for a few moments puzzling over what to do. I made another attempt, and Aster's head bent down over my shoulder, a soft whimper escaping his lips. Fuuuck, I thought. I wasn't trying to make him horny, but I could feel him hardening against me. I wondered if it had something to do with last night. Aster and I spent hours running freely in the forest, but whenever we came across someone from the pack they were hardcore fucking with another wolf. I didn't know if they were in any sort of relationship or if they did this every full moon, but Aster acted like it was completely normal and would bow his head and wait for me to follow him again. We spent the whole night together, and Wolf had loved every second of it. For once it was calm in my stomach, content with the night's adventures. 

"Aster?" I whisper-shouted.

His breath was hot against my neck, his lips mere inches away from my skin. "Mm..." he groaned. "Stop moving like that..."

I frowned. "I'm barely moving!" I protested.

"A-Ah," he breathed. His eyes half-opened, his yellow gaze piercing into mine. "Just stay still. Go back to sleep or something." He moved his hands down and grabbed onto my thighs, forcing my legs to wrap around his waist. I liked cuddling and being near Aster, especially in my wolf form, but being naked with somebody else was a step too far. I pulled away from him as harshly as I could and just narrowly missed kneeing him in the balls. Aster whined in protest as I rose to my feet, dusted mud off of my knees, and went searching for clothes.

I found a pair of black shorts on the floor a couple yards away from where Aster and I had collapsed last night. I was so tired, my legs felt numb and my feet were heavy. I brushed dirt off of the shorts and sniffed them experimentally. They smelled clean enough, and not like any of the pack members. I made sure there were no spiky things in the crotch area and slid them on just as Aster was coming to.

He sat up, rubbing his head. He didn't seem to mind that he was naked. I supposed this was normal for werewolves, to shift and leave their clothes behind. It made sense, of course, but it still seemed indecent- and I blushed real hard everytime I let my eyes travel over the eye candy sitting in front of me. The opportunity was there, and Wolf was eager to take it, but I bit my tongue to keep from making any sex jokes and looked at anything but Aster's sweat-soaked, beautifully toned abs and muscled calves. Or his giant cock.

Aster yawned and stretched, lifting his arms above his head. He looked at me groggily. "What time is it?" he asked. 

"I have no idea. I left my phone at my house." Shit. "Fu-uck, my mom is probably scared out of her mind. I need to get home as soon as possible."

Aster pouted. "Can't you stay a little bit longer?"

I hated how sad he looked. He was like a lost puppy, desperate for love and attention. I wanted to squish his face between my hands and speak to him in a baby voice. The things I had to refrain myself from doing were astonishing. "Only if you find some clothes to put on. Then we can stay here for a bit, but I'm closer to town than I am to the house so I'll have to swing by later- okay?"

Aster nodded eagerly. He stood up and started rummaging through the bushes. He found his ripped pair of gray athletic shorts, looked at me for confirmation, and I gave a reluctant nod. They did nothing to hide his appendage- and now I'd be thinking about how he wasn't wearing underwear the entire time. Neither was I, but technically Aster didn't know that. He was half-asleep when I got dressed.

Aster held out his hands like Loki did when she wanted to be picked up. I sat down next to him, snuggling into his side. I was exhausted, and all I wanted to do was sleep next to Aster some more, but I needed to get home. I probably missed Jamie's church rant call, and I'd have to apologize to her for that. Every Sunday Jamie had to go to church with her parents, and she complained about it to Adam and I for like two hours straight. That was twice as long as the service actually was. Adam would be pissed I left him to listen to it by himself. I could tell Jamie I spent the night with a cute boy and she'd totally forget, but Adam was a different story. I didn't want to tell him I might be seeing someone because I didn't want him to feel jealous or left out, being the only one not in a relationship. Since half of our school thought he couldn't talk, and the rest of them just thought he was weird, it was kind of hard for him to get a date. But the way he talked made it seem like he didn't want one anyways.

"Tired?" Aster asked.

"Shut up," I whined. "Don't rub it in."

Speaking of Adam and Jamie, I had really been flaking on hanging out with them lately. I missed spending time with them, but it felt like this whole werewolf shit was way more important. I had already shifted for the first time, but I still had no idea how to control my Wolf or how to behave in my new body. I could run for miles without stopping, I could smell what you ate for breakfast two days ago, and I could an ant sneeze. Even though they all sounded cool, they just made life more difficult. I loved being with Aster and the pack, but right now I wanted to get home, eat some pancakes, and spend the rest of the day talking with Jamie.

I sighed. 

Aster pressed his nose into my hair, a habit he had in both forms. He just really seemed to like smelling me. "I'm sorry for being so controlling," he murmured, his breath ruffling my bangs. "You can go home now, I won't bother you."

I smiled as I stood. "You're not a bother. You're just... annoying."


I blinked at him innocently, turned, and fled into the forest before he could catch me. Being a werewolf was exhausting- for now, I just wanted to be a normal teenager again.

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