chapter four

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Grace POV; we came home two days ago right now I'm sitting in my bedroom while Oliver has a meltdown  Gabriel is supposed to be here in little bit.

Everytime I go to try to get him to calm down I get hurt.

"Oliver Gray" I say final having enough.

"Oliver what have you done you broke the tv" I say.

He just starts screaming

"Oliver baby please calm down it's okay" I say falling to my knees having enough.

Then the door opens in walks Gabriel I gave him my spare key.

"He got quite the lugs" he says.

"Yeah this has been going on for about 20 minutes"

me and Gabriel move closer to Oliver.

"Hey buddy wanna come sit with us and talk" Gabriel asks.

"No" he says

"Come on bug maybe we can go get McDonald's after " I say.

"Go dada house " he says.

"Sure " me and Gabriel say at the same time.

"Otay" he says and sits in between me and Gabe

"Wanna tell mama what got you so upset " I ask.

He gets up and bring me a toy that has a toy stuck inside of it.

"You couldn't get it out" I ask.

He tries to get it out and starts getting frustrated.

"Hey bug calm down it's okay dada is going to try to get it out while me and you go take a shower and go lay down for a nap" I say.

"Does that sound like a good idea" I ask getting up.

Oliver holds his arms up for me to pick him up.

After his shower I lay him down for a nap.

I walk back to the living room Gabriel is cleaning up.

"You don't have to clean up" I say.

"Do you think about having more kids" Gabriel asks holding oliver baby picture.

"Yeah but I already know Oliver wouldn't like that he needs a lot of attention" I say grabbing a trash bag.

"Plus he doesn't like to share his milk but when he stops breastfeeding maybe I will think about it" I say.

"He would be a good big brother" Gabe says.

"But if I ever do get pregnant before then I will try to make it work" I say.

"We will make it work" Gabriel says.

"Grace will you be my girlfriend"Gabriel asks.

"Oh my God yes"I say

After Oliver woke up from his nap I packed some bags to spend the night at Gabriel.

Two days later

I got a call from my landlord that my apartment flooded so Gabriel mom is watching Oliver while me and Gabriel go and pack up whatever can be saved.

When we got to my apartment everything was fine.

"Hey sorry but you have to go your kid is really causing a problem"my landlord says.

"You can't do that I don't have anywhere else to go"I say.

"Not my problem " he says then walks away.

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