chapter eleven

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Grace POV; Oliver is playing with cars as I shop for Christmas presents.

"Mama" Oliver walks over to me with a Christmas ornament.

"Let Mama have it" I hold my hand out.

Oliver shakes his head no then runs away.

Gabriel went out for some gates to put around the tree.

"Oliver get back here" I'm running after him.

I finally get the ornament form him now he is having his milk then it's nap time.

"I'm back and I bring food" Gabriel says walking in.

"I go see Pawpaw" Oliver saying sitting up.

"They aren't home right now" Gabriel says sitting on the floor setting up the gates.

"See pawpaw and gigi" Oliver is getting frustrated at this point.

"Hey how about we call them" Gabriel comes closer to Oliver.


"Hey tell us what you want use your words" I get on the floor with Gabriel.

Oliver tries to sign something but he isn't making sense.

He signs Mama then he throws himself back and his whole body starts shaking.

He is having a seizure Gabriel is the one who takes him from me and puts him on his back and holds his head up.

I grab my phone and call 911 explain what is happening the lady is telling me to calm down.

The ambulance get here Oliver is waking up.

"Has this ever happened before " the lady asks.

"No never he has autism please be careful" I'm bitting my nails at this point.

My body is telling me to pick him up and hold him close and not let anyone near him but I know he needs help.

"Mama" Oliver whispers

"I'm right here bug" I move his hair out his face they load him up so they can put him in the ambulance.

"Only one parent can go with him" the lady says.

"You go with him I will be right behind you" Gabriel says putting my shoes on for me.

He gives me my phone and purse

I get in ambulance and Gabriel hands me Oliver headphones.

I put them on Oliver and hold his hand.

"He can't wear those" the lady says.

"It's fine don't listen to her how about you drive I will take care of him"the guy says getting in.

"Firetruck mama" Oliver says

"No it's a ambulance but good job" I say moving his hair out his face.

"My husband is a fire fighter maybe I can have him give y'all a tour of the fire house" the guy says.

"You don't have to do that " I say.

"Here is my number text when you guys are free" he gives me a sticky note.

"Me and my husband adopted a little girl about a year ago and she has autism so u totally get the headphones" he says checking Oliver.

We get to the hospital and they get Oliver set up they said they wanted to run some tests so me and Gabriel are sitting in the waiting room.

"Grace sweetheart we came as soon as possible" I hear my mother say as she walks up to us.

"They are doing test on him to see what made him have a seizure" I say squeezing Gabriel hand.

"Don't break his hand grace imagine holding her hand when she was given birth thought she was about to pull my hand off" dad says sitting next to Gabe.

"Oh please he did better then when grace was born he passed out when I was given birth" mom says rubbing my back.

Gabrie just laughs I do the same

"You guys Oliver family" a doctor comes over to us.

"Yes is he okay" I get up

"We have brought him back to a room we would like guys to stay the night so we can keep a closer look at him" the doctor says.

"Do you know what caused him to have seizure" my mom asks.

"You said he has autism well people with autism can have epilepsy it might be that or something totally different it takes up to 24 hours or up to seven days to find out if it's epilepsy" the doctor says.

Couple of days later

It's Christmas and the day before the doctor called and said Oliver has epilepsy.

He hasn't had a seizure since that day and I would love to keep it that way on the way home yesterday he wanted to go see the Christmas lights he cried for about a hour.

I'm laying in bed looking up at the ceiling until I feel Gabriel lips on my stomach then my neck.

"Merry Christmas my love" Gabriel says before going back down to my thighs.

"Merry Christmas I would love to continue this but I see Oliver moving a little bit" I say grabbing his hands.

"Tonight then" Gabriel asks moving beside me.

"Yes have the perfect outfit" I say

"Mama" Oliver is trying to get out his crib that is next to our bed.

Gabriel gets out of bed and gets him

"Merry Christmas Oliver" me and Gabriel say at the same time.

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