chapter ten

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Grace POV; today me and Gabriel are looking at houses it's been 2 months since the break in.

Oliver started a new daycare he likes it so far hopefully he can make some friends that would be a big step for him.

"Grace are you listening" I hear Gabriel asks.

"Sorry just thinking about Oliver hoping he is doing okay" I say.

"I think I like this one and it's not that far from my parents and Oliver new daycare" Gabriel says.

"I like the master bathroom and the pool looks lovely" I say looking around.

"We will take it" Gabriel says to the man who has been helping us today.

As Gabriel is talking to the man my phone goes off its Oliver daycare.

Oh no what happened

Oliver POV; I don't like going to daycare but Mama says it good for me.

I'm playing with some car then this big meanie steps on my hand then he does it again and again until I push him and bite him.

He starts crying mama isn't going to be happy.

"Oliver you can't do that go sit in time out" a lady says.


"I will call your mama but go sit in time out for me" she says.

I want mama and dada

Dada is going to do something about that pee pee head.

He has been messing with me since I got here saying I look like a girl because my hair is long then saying I weird for drinking mama milk still.

He say he is 3 that he a big boy.

I don't really know what that means.

I hear mama voice I turn around and run to her.

"Oh bug are you okay what happened" Mama asks.

"Pee pee head step on my hand so I push him and bite him" I say.

"Say Oliver look like a girl and is weird for drinking mama milk" I say  cuddling mama.

"Don't listen him bug you don't look like a girl and you aren't weird for drinking mama milk" Mama says.

Gabriel POV ; while grace is calming Oliver down I'm talking to one of the workers

They are saying Oliver can't come back until next week but the pee pee head is going to be back tomorrow when he is the one that started it.

His parents get here his mom is already yelling at me.

Her husband he actually works for my company.

"Sweetheart stop yelling at him" he says to his wife.

"His son pushed and bit our child don't tell me what to do" she says hitting him.

"He is my boss" he says with gritted teeth.

"Oh, I'm sorry " she says.

"Your son started it Oliver was playing by himself and he came over and step on his hand multiple times Oliver was defending himself your son has been messing with Oliver for awhile now " a worker says playing the footage.

"They both can't come back until Monday" the worker says.

"Alright lets go" I say grabbing Oliver stuff.

"I sorry mama" Oliver says once we get in the car.

"You don't have to apologize you did good defending yourself " grace says.

"What do you want gigi to make for dinner" I asks.

"pasta" Oliver says.

I texted my mom telling her what Oliver wanted for dinner.

Grace is on the phone with her mom telling her what happened today.

"He is fine mom you don't need to come over" grace says.

"Okay see you in a little bit" grace says hanging up.

"Grandma and grandpa are coming over" grace says.

Oliver is asleep by the time we get home.

I bring Oliver inside grace and get him into pajamas.

"Isn't he supposed to be at daycare" dad asks walking out his office.

"Yeah some kid has been messing with him so he pushed him then bit him so he can't go back until Monday" I say sitting down.

"Did you find a house" dad asks

"Yeah it's nice grace likes it hopefully Oliver does too" I say.

"That little boy has everyone wrapped around his little fingers" dad says looking at one of the pictures he had put on a big canvas.

It's just Oliver in the picture playing in the sand.

"Pawpaw" I say in a baby voice

"Makes me feel old" dad says laughing.

This chapter is a little shorter then the others but I'm having a hard time writing but what do yall think about grace maybe having another baby in the future

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