chapter nine

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Gabriel POV; grace had a doctor appointment this morning so I have to bring Oliver to therapy while grace goes to the doctor.

"Dada go home" Oliver says trying to get out his car seat.

"We are going to see Ms.Jessica" I say turning into the parking lot.

I get Oliver out his car seat and put him on my hip he hits my chest with his closed fist.

"Hey that's not nice" I say grabbing his bag.

We walk inside I signed him in then sit down there is some other kids here.

There is one kid a little bit older then Oliver but is being super loud.

I take his headphones out the daiper bag put them on Oliver.

The kid starts walking towards us Oliver is watching cars on my phone with his pacifier.

The kid is standing next to us I give him a smile hoping he will walk away.

He grabs Oliver pacifier out his mouth then throws it.

Ms. Jessica walks out calls Oliver name

Oliver isn't too happy about his pacifier Ms.Jessica walks over to us and I explained what happened.

The kid parent walks over on the phone.

"Is there a problem" she asks.

"Yes your son has been messing with my patience" Ms. Jessica says.

"I didn't see it happen" the mom says.

"Please leave don't come back either" Ms. Jessica says.

"I'm sorry about that let's head to my office" Ms. Jessica says.

I texted grace about everything she finished her appointment so she is on her way.

Oliver is playing with Ms. Jessica 

"Jump" Oliver says looking at the little trampoline.

He goes and jumps on the trampoline while Ms. Jessica sits down in front of me and writes stuff down.

Grace walks in Oliver noticed right away and came running to grace.

Grace sits next to me with Oliver in her arms.

"Mama hurt" Oliver asks looking at where she had blood taken.

"Mama is okay the doctor had to make sure my blood is all healthy" grace says.

"He talked about you guys having a baby " Ms. Jessica says.

"Oh no we aren't having a baby but he did meet Gabriel niece the other day" grace says.

"Oh okay" Ms. Jessica says.

"Play" Oliver says trying to get grace up out her seat.

"How are swim classes going" Ms. Jessica asks.

"Swim" Oliver says pushing hair out his face.

"Maybe bug it's supposed to rain in a little bit" grace says getting up.

"Dada" Oliver says pulling me out of my seat.

We sit on the floor and play with Oliver.

Ms. Jessica soon takes over and starts going over stuff with Oliver.

"No no" Oliver says pulling his hair

"I think that's enough for today" Ms. Jessica says getting up.

Grace is setting up his next appointment while I hold him rocking back and forth trying to get him to calm down.

We get outside and grace gets in my car to feed Oliver.

"So I was thinking date night sometime this week" I say.

"Yeah I can see when my parents can watch him" Grace says holding my hand.

After a while Oliver sits up

"You wanna go with me or dada" grace asks putting his hair up in a bun.

"Dada" Oliver says

"Alright you guys be safe Listen to Dada call me if you need me" grace says closing the door.

We drive home and the police are here.

"Sir is this your home " the cop asks as I get out my car.

"Yes it is what happened" I asks getting Oliver out the car.

"Someone broke in and stole some stuff" the cop says

Grace pulls up I tell her everything after awhile we are able to go inside we pack bags to go stay at my parents house we can't stay here.

Knowing someone broke in is scary I can't let us stay here what if they come back.

We pack as much as we can

We get to my parents house tell them what happened Oliver is running around having fun while I start going through the security cameras.

Grace is upstairs taking a bath relaxing.

"Oh shit" I say once I see who broke in its fucking James.

I send it to the cop that gave me his email.

"Dada" Oliver comes up to me rubbing his eyes.

"Come on let's go get ready for nap time" I say picking him up and heading upstairs.

Grace is coming out the bathroom in her silk robe.

"Someone is sleepy" I say laying Oliver down to change his daiper.

Grace gets some shorts on then climbs into bed I bring Oliver to her then change out my clothes to my boxers.

I get in bed behind Oliver grace nipple is red and looks angry.

"Do you want me to go heat up some milk for him" I ask.

"Yes please also I left my pump to dry in the kitchen will you bring it I'm clogged" grace says.

"Yeah" I say getting up and going downstairs.

Mom is in the kitchen doing dishes

"Everything okay" mom asks

"Grace said she is clogged I don't really know what that means but she did say she needs her pump" I say fixing Oliver milk.

"Oh okay" mom says grabbing a rag.

She puts everything on a tray for me to Carry upstairs.

I get upstairs to grace in the bath with something white floating in the water.

"What is that" I asks

"It came out my fucking nipple" she says getting out the bath.

Grace gets dressed then lays in bed with me and Oliver she pumps while I get Oliver to sleep.

"It was James who broke in" I say after Oliver is asleep.

"I'm not surprised" grace says grabbing my hand.

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