chapter five

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Grace POV; today Oliver has a dentist appointment.

Oliver begged for Gabriel to come with us.

Also Gabriel said we should get Oliver a crib to sleep in it's in Gabriel room.

Oliver sleeps in it every night no problem he ends up in bed with me and Gabe in the middle of the night because he needs milk.

"What time is the appointment" Gabe asks.

"At 2:30" I say

"I have a meeting at 10" he says.

"Oh okay" I say.

"Dada" Oliver says from his crib yesterday we took Oliver to swim lessons so he slept through the night

"Morning buddy" Gabe says taking him out his crib.

Gabe changes Oliver daiper then gives him to me so I can nurse him.

This is how are morning go not a lot of talking just lots of cuddles.

Gabe is getting ready to leave for his meeting as he is about to walk out our bedroom Oliver starts crying and runs after him.

"Stay" Oliver says holding onto Gabe pants leg.

"Hey buddy listen to me I will be back in about 1 hour maybe we can watch cars when I get back" Gabe says getting on the floor with Oliver.

"You come back" Oliver asks.

"Yes I'm coming back silly" Gabe says.

"Otay" Oliver says kissing Gabe cheek.

Gabe picks Oliver up brings him to me gives me a kiss then leaves.

"Let's go eat all the good snacks" I say getting out of bed.

We get downstairs and there is women in the kitchen in her underwear no bra.

I cover Oliver eyes and turn around.

"Who are you" she asks.

"Gabriel girlfriend who are you" I asks.

"His wife" she says.

"What are you talking about I have never seen you in my life" I say.

"Well clearly you are the side hoe" the girl says.

"Grace you should leave my brother has a new women now bye bye" his sister says coming out his office.

"She isn't going anywhere you and your little friend here are leaving" Gabriel says.

"Don't you have a meeting to get to" his sister asks.

"Nope they cancelled now get the fuck out my house" Gabe says.

"Dada" Oliver says.

"Eww you tried to hook me up with someone that has a kid" the girl says.

"Oh shut up you said he was hot" his sister says.

"Hurry up" Gabe says.

"Come on let's go upstairs and watch cars" Gabriel says.

We watch cars then take a nap when we wake up it's time to get ready for his dentist appointment.

When we get there Oliver wanted Gabriel to sit in the chair with him

"His teeth look good keep brushing" the dentist says.

We leave then stop at target for some more diapers they didn't have the ones Oliver likes so we go to Costco

"That baby is too old to have a pacifier" I hear a lady say.

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