Chapter 10

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After I changed, I toured Florence around the garage. Her questions endless as I showed her all the different areas. We ended at my race car when the garage was virtually empty beside the few mechanics doing final preparation for the race tomorrow. She ran her hand over the red car, her eyes admiring the machine.

"Number 16?" She said looking back to me.

I nodded proudly. "You wanna get in?"

Her jaw dropped processing my question. "You're serious?" I returned her question with a smile while she threw her purse down asking for help. Her eyes couldn't hide the excitement. I helped her step up onto the car, then placing her legs in down into the drivers seats. "It's so snug in here," she giggled as she settled into the seat.

"It has to be." I reached down grabbing the belts that strapped me in usually. "These go around your chest and lap." I casually placed the belts loosely over their usual spots. Her laugh continued to pour out. "One second," I added turning around grabbing the steering wheel. I handed it over to her. Her delicate fingers grabbing it and holding the device in front of her. Her eyes taking in all the different buttons.  I couldn't look away.

"How in the world do you know what to do with all these buttons," she questioned. "You already go so fast, I don't understand how you could think of working all these."

I leaned down so I could examine the steering. "These help with gears, these channel me into my racing coach, and I know what all these do but I never need them." I didn't stand up fully so I could still be in her space, but I gave her a chance to look at everything. I shifted so I could look at her. Florence's eyes were focused, she chewed on her bottom lip while she took everything in. This time my eyes couldn't pull away from her lips.

She finally placed the steering wheel in her lap, her gaze meeting mine. I saw them widen and she stayed silent. Our faces were close, and a silence formed while we stared at one another. I was seconds away to closing the space between us, when I saw her lip turn upward into a shy smile.

"Care to help me out," she asked.
I placed the fork down in my apartment full from dinner. I looked to my younger brother and trainer who were talking before they went on their way. My brother left first while Andrea stayed to help me clean up.

"What's your plan for the rest of the evening," Andrea asked while he put away the rest of the dirty dishes.

I placed the leftovers in the fridge and stood straight. "Maybe read." My answer was short and my mind was far from this room.

Andrea chuckled at me. "Damn, well try not to have too much fun. I'll leave you to it?"

I nodded as he walked past gathering his things. "Thanks for helping with dinner," I said while he walked to the door.

"See you at the paddock mate." With that he left.

I walked to the couch falling onto it. It was only 6, and I had the whole night to get through. I grabbed my book, and I tried to get comfortable. 15 minutes later I realized I haven't gotten past the first page, my mind to busy with Florence and every detail about her. I could hear her giggle in my head when she realized how close we were earlier. I hope she wasn't able to see the disappointment when I helped her out of the car. She had to have felt the tension, and I don't want her to think I was upset after she avoided the opportunity. My whole body just wants to show her how interested in her I really am, and I can't seem to keep it in check.

I knew she was different than most girls I took interest in, and it had been around a year now since I've even been in a true relationship . Her time was spent getting to know me, finding out the little things first that were unknown to the public. She wasn't diving into my the fast life of racing like most, but getting to know the Charles away from formula 1.

My phone dinged in my pocket, and I opened it letting out a chuckle.

Florence: How does your trainer feel about a night swim.

I'm very down to see you, but unfortunately I don't have a pool this time.

Florence: I might, may have done some strategic planning. Pick you up in 15?

I was ready within minutes, sending her the address.

Florence's POV:

I copied Charles in the pool. I draped my legs over the edge, stretched back so the remainder of my body was floating, and extended my arms out. The water lapped around my face, and I kept my eyes open. Through the trees I could see the stars. I felt his hand brush against mine, I kept it there. Our fingers then intertwined, neither of us changing the position.


"You booked quite the place," I said looking around the grounds. The pool was glowing in the yard in front of us as we sat in the two swings attached to the tree. The little villa stood beyond the pool.

"Thanks. I felt like it was a little ridiculous for a weekend where I've been mostly busy, but as it turns out I needed it. Today was wonderful at the track, but this afternoon has made it feel like a safe haven. It has helped me kinda get over the last week."

"Still not ready to talk about the match?" I asked looking over to her. She was staring at her feet as they pushed lightly against the ground allowing her to swing slightly. She looked relaxed in her swimsuit with a towel loosely wrapped around her.

A smile formed on her lips. "I'm getting closer everyday, promise."

"Do you know about Monaco's race last year?"

Her eyes looked up at mine curious, the pool glow lighting her face. "I don't think so?"

I began to push against the ground too, allowing a light swing. "It's every drivers dream to win at Monaco and their home race. For me, the Monaco GP means everything. Qualifying is so important because you can virtually not pass on the track, and I managed to qualify pole position last year. My foot was half way in the door to my dream, and the race was perfect until it wasn't. Ferrari made a horrible decision and double pitted Carlos and I, letting him go first. I didn't even podium coming in 4th. I couldn't believe a race decision, that no one could make sense of, took away the moment." I looked up, Florence's focus locked on me. "I didn't leave my home for 4 days, playing piano for hours contemplating why I ever became a race car driver until I heard my dad through the keys. He said what he always did growing up, no race deserves the cost of your smile. As professional athletes it's hard to let it go, and I think we have a right to be hurt because it's beyond sports, it's our job and life. But it's little moments like that one, that can snap me out of it... I don't know if that helps but."

"It does," she cut me off. "My mom used to say something similar. Find your smile and swing away. Those kinda things stick with you," she shrugged. "And thank you for sharing," her smile genuine as she kicked her leg to swing towards me.

She nudged me on the first swing, then on the way back toward me I grabbed the rope, stopping the movement so she was close to me. "I promise not to ruin this time," she breathed with her eyes locked on mine. She tangled her ankles with mine, getting us closer.

"Ce serait impossible [that would be impossible]," the french whisper escaping as I put my other hand along her jaw line, pulling her closer to eliminate the distance. Our lips crashed as her arms went around my neck.

The kiss was filled of new energy. Nothing lustful, but two people craving the touch for their first time together. After a few moments we pulled away, our smiles forming.

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