Chapter 40

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"Max, she's simply not talking to me. It's been two weeks and I haven't seen or heard from her. So no, I can't answer the question."

I couldn't help my snarky response, I didn't know the answer to are you and Florence still together? Florence would have to talk for me to know that.

I shouldn't of been short with Max though, he had the best idea in the last 14 days of getting me out of the house and onto my boat. It was the first hint of sun and fresh air I've gotten. I looked over to him as he turned his face into the sun enjoying the slightly warmer day for a Monaco winter not bothered by my comment.

He had a way of never being offended, something I was jealous of. I tossed him an, I'm sorry mate. He only waved his hand to throw my previous comment off.

I cut the engine when I realized we were in calm water lowering the anchor. The sigh escaped me when I plopped down next to him.

"No need to apologize, I'm just worried about you is all. And Florence."

"I know, I'm just so frustrated with the whole situation. She should have heard that information from me."

Max put on his sunglasses and hummed. "Mmm, Florence has every right to be angry but she doesn't have the right to shut you out. You respected her dad's wishes. That's his wish and family, you just got put in a terrible spot. No one was going to win."

It was the first time I heard that take, and I found myself nodding in approval. "Thanks mate. Have you heard from her?"

"Me, no. Kelly is going to see her sometime this week though."

It was the first time I've heard of Florence seeing someone so I immediately perked up to the information. "How'd that come about."

Max stayed quiet and bit his fingernails, clearly nervous of the information he had. "Ugh, I'll tell you but you promise to keep it a secret?"

"My lips are sealed."

I listened eagerly while Max began speaking, occasionally waving his hands around. "Kelly swung by her place a few days ago and refused to be ignored. Florence didn't let her stay long, but they sat out on the balcony together. Kelly said she was in rough shape. The place was a disaster with takeout and trash, Florence clearly hadn't showered, and she told Kelly she hadn't left the house. According to Kelly, Florence barely said anything except that her ankle was feeling way better."

I closed my eyes leaning back into the bench. I hated hearing all of that and it was driving me crazy too. "Doesn't sound far off from me," I sighed.

"That's not true. You came out on the boat with me. While you need to shave, you don't smell at least," Max offered out with a grin. He finally earned a small chuckle from me. "You two will get through it, I promise," Max said factually.

"I hope so," I whispered thinking about seeing her. The idea of not getting through it could not be entrained at the moment.

"What have you done to try and see her?"

"I'm trying to give her space. I've swung by once last week but got the message loud and clear when Nicholas told me she wasn't in town which I know wasn't true. Her bike was chained up outside the apartment. I left her a voicemail over the weekend but haven't bothered from there with the phone. Then I left a coffee and pastry outside her door yesterday ignoring the concierge saying she wasn't home. I knocked but she didn't answer so I just left it on the ground."

"Damn, she's a stubborn one. Who can resist Charles and a pastry."

"That's what I'm saying," I said running my hand through my hair. "I think she's just fucking angry, sad, and confused."

Double Fault जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें