Chapter 33

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I was nervous, but I had to talk to Gregor now. Spending a long weekend with him would only become torture if I didn't address what I knew with him tonight. Knowing about Michelle, Florence's mom, had only weighed heavier on me after every passing day. I wasn't sleeping, and I was sure Florence thought I was nocturnal at this point.

Last week my mom figured out something was up. She brought me lunch while I was working on my boat, and she walked onto the deck while I had my face buried in my hands listening to blaring music. She knew Florence was moving in that week, so she was incredibly worried because according to her, "this should be such a happy time of growing closer." One of her many quotes on love that she had no issues sharing with any of her children freely.

When I told her it wasn't about Florence moving here, she sat me down and told me to spill. She spent 3 hours with me listening, asking questions, and offering advice after hearing the information about Florence. My mom could be trusted with my life, and I needed her guidance on how to continue forward with the information I was given. She admitted this was a tough spot to be put in, but agreed it wasn't information to keep from your partner. My mom advised talking to Gregor first, to at least clear any misinformation before talking to Florence.

That conversation is what let me to this moment, walking Gregor to my house after dinner.

He was telling me he thought Monaco would be a good fit for Florence, regardless of my presence which earned a chuckle from me. I agreed though, knowing her tennis would thrive here.

"Well here is your home for the weekend," I told Gregor as we walked up the steps to my house. "Feel free to treat it as your own."

"Ah I see, you're not staying here," Gregor said skeptically.

Gregor had an unbelievable way of pulling me in and making me feel like a friend, to reminding me I'm with his only daughter. "Oh I mean. If you want I can stay if..." I was left stumbling over words like an idiot until he saved me.

"Don't beat yourself Charles, I'm only teasing you. Believe it or not I actually really like you," he offered. I let out a breath and smiled shaking my head. "Thanks for offering your house for the weekend." 

"You're more than welcome. I do have something to ask you," I decided to go with. If I didn't just go for it, I wouldn't have the courage to ask.

"Right now?" Gregor asked curiously.

I nodded. "I figured we could chat on the porch. You need a water or anything," I offered.

"Must not be good then." Gregor kept his eyes on me and pulled a chair out from the outdoor table. He then sat facing the view and I did the same.

I took a deep breath arranging the words in my head. My mom words playing back. Be direct darling. I know you're a people pleaser, but this is a direct topic. Don't play around with words trying to make it better. "Ferrari disclosed information to me to protect Florence from a story."

I watched as Gregor took his turn for a shaky breath and rested his hands behind his head taking a relaxed position. "You heard about Michelle?"

I knew he wasn't looking at me, but I nodded my head in agreement. "Without going into detail, also because I wish Ferrari didn't share this information with me at all, I know about the cheating allegations and statement on losing a baby." The words flowed out of me staying steady.

"It's all mostly true, why do you ask?"

"It's eating me alive Gregor."

Gregor looked at me. "It eats me alive too. I was tempted by another woman at the time Charles. Nothing ever came of it, but I was close to caving in. I would have if it wasn't for the accident. It ruins me thinking of Michelle and what I was capable of. It ruins me to know I ruined her life and our baby's," his voice soft.

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