Chapter 29

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"My god, it's Toad," I laughed watching Florence secure the helmet under her chin.

"I don't think it fits," Florence pouted looking up at me. I grabbed her helmet with both hands shaking it lightly, her head bobbing with the movement. "Heyyyy," she giggled out, her eyes peering up at me from under the helmet.

"Safety first mushroom head, now pose with me for this picture," I said wrapping my hand around her waist and turning towards the Ferrari media in front of us.

"You look so freaking cool and I'm a bobble head," I heard her grumble under her breath as she leaned into me. We heard clicks going off as we both smiled at the cameras.

"Kiss," Carlos voice yelled out from the back of the crowd. I narrowed my eyes at him as we continued to pose.

"Ignore him," I yelled earning a laugh from the team. "You ready," I asked Florence excitedly as the crowd dispersed.

"Take it easy on me," she sighed pulling away and stepping to the car. I opened the door for her while she sat and secured herself in.

"I don't recall that last night," my voice a whisper as I made sure she was buckled.

"Charles we have on mics," her eyes wide as she gasped at me.

"Oops," my cheeks got hot. "Ferrari media team, when you're editing, please remove that part," I said chucking.

I closed the door and walked around the car getting in the Red Ferrari car on the track. The team begged us to do a video together in Japan, and I was quite reluctant until they offered Hot Laps. Knowing Florence would like the idea, I agreed, and I was excited to share an inside look into racing with her. I climbed into the drivers side grinning and buckled myself. I turned to her and she was biting her nails, clearly nervous.

"I'm promise not to flip the car." My hands eagerly grabbed the steering wheel, and I looked to the media director for the thumbs up.

"Sono italiano in una Ferrari, mi aspetto il meglio [I'm an Italian in a Ferrari, I expect the best]," Florence responded in her native tongue, accepting the challenge.

My foot slammed on the pedal when I got the all clear, the force pushing us into our seats. Within seconds giggles were pouring out of Florence, her hands gripping her seat.

"Hold on," I yelled while we made it through the first turn, the movement causing her to lean.

A small scream escaped out of Florence, yelling my name. When we straightened out I glanced at her to make sure she wasn't scared, but she had a huge smile on her face. I pushed harder into the next turns, then flew on the final lap enjoying the drive. We were supposed to ask questions about our career during the drive, but we failed miserably. Both of us were too busy laughing when Florence wasn't holding her breath. We had only managed to share what sports we played, the name our sports hero's, and how we met the entire session.

When I stopped the car, I looked over at Florence who looked disheveled but elated. "You are wild," her voice rang out. I studied her hair that was poking out everywhere underneath the helmet, her smile wide, and her cheeks splotchy from the adrenaline. Florence's eyes were squeezed almost shut from the helmet squishing her face. In that moment I knew I had fallen for her fully, I just needed the moment to tell her.


Lily, Kika, Kelly, and I were watching the race together. They were about half way through, when Kelly looked at her phone and cussed quietly. She was furthest away from me, so I listened in but kept watching the race.

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