Chapter Fifty-three

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A/N: I really want to say thank you to everyone that has read this far. Thank you for your support-ghost readers included:-)

Please spam me with comments༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Nagode (thank you)


Zemela's POV:-)

Christmas holiday has always been my favorite but, not anymore. I managed to ruin my favorite holiday for myself.

I've tried hard, harder than ever to not think of Bryson but, sadly every good memory in my life has him in it. I wasn't even mad at Skyler for not minding her business at winter ball, I'm mad at myself for going and thinking my life was going to be perfect with Bryson Griffin.

New year was in two days and I wasn't even excited, eighteen was meant to be the best year of my life not the worst.
My dad forbad me from going out only if it were with the family or for school, he refused to pick up Mrs Mateo's calls, I didn't bother calling her too because I was occupied to even care.

My dad rarely spoke to me after our little incident, Pamela was the means of communication, she has also been on my neck demanding to know why I was sober.

Waking up everyday felt like punishment, I got tired of praying for miracle to happen because I knew it was pointless I led myself into the mess.

Pamela's voice brought me back to reality, "why have you been researching on pregnancy?" She asked me with a soft voice, from the look on her face I knew she had figured it out already, tears ran down my face and I couldn't look her in the eye. I felt dirty, ashamed and unworthy to be her eldest sister.

She moved closer to me, "I want to hear it from you? Are you pregnant?" She asked me. Unable to speak I nodded.
She was silent for a while, "for him? Bryson?" I nodded again.

Without further questions she hugged me already knowing the rest of the story.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" I whispered shaking.
"It's not your fault, you shouldn't be sorry" she whispered back.
"It is my fault, I was so stupid and reckless. I shouldn't have.." I cried.

"Boys are generally stupid, it's no fault of yours"
"Please don't say that to make me feel better. It's all my fault, I saw the red flags but I ignored it. You warned me too but, I ignored, I shouldn't have ignored any of your warnings" I cried harder knowing I would have avoided everything only if I wasn't so blinded by my feelings.

We sat there crying and holding each other till we had to stop and go and prepare dinner.

I still had my monthly circle for December though, from my research it said, it's normal to menstruate in the first or second month. My sense of smell had heightened, which was also a sign of pregnancy but I wasn't bloating and my breasts where pretty normal.

I believed in miracles so I knew it could be possible I wasn't pregnant.

Filler chapter, because I couldn't sleep at night :-)

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