Prologue (Part 3)

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"Ahem! Ahem! Testing, testing! Mike check, one two! This is a test of the school broadcast system! Am I on? Can everyone hear me? Okay, well then...!"

The voice seemed totally out of place. It was so playful, so completely unconcerned... I couldn't help but feel a deep, unnerving dread at the sound of it. It was like hearing someone laugh at the scene of an accident.

"Ahh, to all incoming students! I would like to begin the entrance ceremony at...right now! Please make your way to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience. ...That's all. I'll be waiting!"

"...What. The. Heck was that just now?" Junko asks.

"Well then, if you'll excuse me..."  Togami says and then leaves.

"H-Hey! What, you're gonna take off just like that!?" Junko asks.

"Oh yeah, now I get it! This whole thing was just to get us all pumped for the entrance ceremony!" Yasuhiro says.

"Man, thank god it was all a joke. I'd be totally freaked if this was real!"

"Alright, guess I'll head out too. Wonder what they got planned for us next..."

Yasuhiro then leaves.

"Dang, I was totally looking forward to that nap too. Why'd they have to go and kill the mood?" Leon asks.

Leon then leaves.

"W-Wait for me! I wanna go with you!" Fujisaki says.

"That is that, then. I will see you all there" Celestia says.

"N-Not that anyone cares, but I-I'm gonna go too..." Toko says.

Toko then leaves.

They start to leave.

"I am gonna go with the others, you should go there to" Makoto says.

"Right... I will" Akira says.


Makoto then leaves.

"This...this doesn't seem right" Sayaka says.

"Yeah, that announcement was totally weird" Junko says.

"Maybe, but just staying put doesn't mean we'll be safe. Besides, aren't you guys just a little bit curious to find out what's going on around here?" Kyoko asks.

"If we do not move forward, we won't learn anything. The only choice is to push ahead" Sakura says.

I...I guess she's right. But still... I'm kinda--no, really nervous. We don't have a choice. We have to go.

"What was with that announcement? It was so creepy" Junko says.

"Crap! What the heck kinda game are they playing!?" Mondo says.

"Wh-What the heck? What kinda bad joke is this!?" Kiyotaka exclaims.

"Are you okay? Is everyone okay?" Hifumi asks.

"True. If we don't move forward, we won't learn anything at all. The only choice is to push ahead" Sakura says.

"I know how you feel, but... all we can do now, is check it out, right?" Kyoko asks.

"Right..." I say.

"Something weird is going on here, right? It's not just me?" Sayaka asks.

More of them start to leave.

In front of me is a huge metal hatch.

"What is with this huge metal hatch?"

It looks like the kind of thing you'd see in a secret military base or something... This *is* the same main hall I was in before, right? This door definitely wasn't here then, though...

"The surveillance cameras have what looks like a gun attached to it."

But there's no way that's a real gun...right?

Everyone took off for the gym, but I was frozen where I stood. That uneasy feeling I'd had before... I couldn't get it out of my mind.

I then go to the gym.

At the Gym.

"Dang, I had no idea this Hope's Peak Academy place was gonna be such a pain in my butt. It really ain't that much different from the time I spent in juvie. Heck, this place is even worse!" Mondo exclaims.

"And why isn't there anyone here? Walking through the halls, I didn't see a single person..." Sayaka says.

"Isn't that like, seriously not good?" Junko asks.

"Th-They're just trying to spook us! They'll take those metal plates down later, I'm sure of it..." Kiyotaka says.

"All we can do now is hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Nothing ventured, nothing gained" Sakura says.

"Well heck, it ain't like I'm scared or nothin'. Let's just get this over with!" Mondo exclaims.

"Hey! Where's whoever called us here!?" Mondo says.

I look at a Display Case.

"A display case... There's many kinds of trophies and plaques inside."

Of course, all the students who go here are ultimates, right? So this is probably just a tiny fraction of all their awards.

"I'm getting a very bad vibe right now" Junko says.

"Yeah, I'm very worried..." Sayaka says.

"..." Kyoko says.

Total silence... For whatever reason, she's the only one managing to stay calm. Or maybe I'm just imagining that...

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