Deadly Life (Chapter 2, part 4)

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I go into the boys' locker room (for the investigation)

I find Hifumi.

"Heya!" he says.

I wave.

"Do you have anything for the investigation?"

"Nothing important, sorry if I disappointed you," Hifumi says.

"It's alright," I say.

"But Celeste has important information I think in the warehouse," he says.

"Thanks," I say.

"Your welcome!" he exclaims.

I go into the locker room and see a stain on the carpet. Strange...

Kyoko walks in.

"Hey Kyoko, how's the investigation going?"

"I found the e-handbooks of the dead students," Kyoko says.

"You did? Where?" I ask.

"Just in a cabinet something is weird though..." she says.

"Wh-what is it?" I ask.

"Chihiro's handbook is missing," she says.

"Maybe Monokuma didn't put it there yet?" I say.

"No, I found hours earlier her handbook was there now it is gone," she says.

"The murderer must have done it to get away with the murderer..." I say.

"Probably," Kyoko replies.

"Hey we should investigate the school like we did that one time," I say.

"I know but there has been so many murders and other things that I got distracted, we can investigate again after the class trial," Kyoko says.

"Alright," I say.

It makes worry that the handbook is gone...

"Also, what did you find in here?" she asks.

"Just a stain on the carpet," I say.

"Okay, you should investigate Chihiro again you might find more things that we missed I really don't know but its a good idea," Kyoko says.

"Your right," I say.

I then walk back to Chihiro's dead body, which pains me to see. 

I'm sorry... that I couldn't do better... Chihiro...

I go to her body and look at her hand.

It's tied with rope but...  the rope has a plug? Very strange... these odd things aren't adding up like last time...

"Attention! You have a few minutes until the trial starts! Please rap up your investigations!" Monokuma exclaims.

"Crap," I say.

I race to the library but Sakura stops me.

"Hi, yes I know the class trial is starting in a few minutes I have to wrap up my investigation," I say.

"I heard you talking to Kyoko about a "stain" on the carpet right?" Sakura asks.

"Yeah there is a stain there, why do you mention this?" I ask.

"The stain is clean, like it was never there in the first place..." Sakura says.

"Huh strange," I say.

"Yeah," she replies.

"Well I better wrap this up," I say.

"But why was there a stain?" I ask myself.

"I spilled coffee there, but I don't know why it is mysteriously gone..." she says.

"Yeah..." I say.

"But I am gonna finish this now," I say.

I then run off not looking behind and getting into the library.

I walk in and look around.

I turn the lamp on to help me see better but... it won't turn on... strange.

It's not plugged in oh. I saw it on the last time I came in here... but Byakuya was using an extension cord... but it is not here now... 

But I am going to look at the Genocide Jack police file.

What? It is gone! Who keeps stealing this stuff? First Chihiro's e-handbook, then an extension cord, and now the Genocide Jack police file! Could it be Byakuya? If so, why?

More questions then answers!

I go to the warehouse and meet with Celeste.

"Hello," I say.

"Hi," Celeste says.

Celeste smiles, a warm, soft, comforting smile.

"Have you found anything related to the case?" I ask.

"Yeah... this warehouse... I saw Chihiro in this warehouse, hours before she was found dead," Celeste says.

"She had a duffel bag and some jacket sticking out of it, I couldn't tell the color... she was in a hurry and seemed to try to hide it for some odd reason..."

So apparently she went to the girls locker room late at night in order to exercise without anyone knowing. But the strange thing is there was no trace of the track jacket or duffel bag Celeste said she saw Chihiro carrying. Which would mean the killer would have gotten rid of it somehow...

"Well I better go," I say.

"Okay," she says.

"Enough investigating! Class Trial time is here! Everyone make your way to the elevator!" Monokuma exclaims.

I rush towards the elevator, eventually we all get on it.

"Wait, where is Toko?" Hiro asks.

"Oh, she isn't here!" exclaims Monokuma.

Monokuma then waddles off like a penguin to get Toko. We wait there for a few minutes. Eventually, Monokuma comes back with Toko.

Toko stays silent.

"I will see you guys down there!" exclaims Monokuma.

He then waddles off again.

Makoto presses the number to the floor.

"Please! Let me out of here! I don't want to die! I don't want to do this! I can't do this! Somebody help me!" Toko screams.

The floor turns dark Monokuma must have done that to make it more scary.

Eventually, Toko's screams go to whispers, to echoes, until it stops.

I look at all my classmates... how could a monster really kill her.

Hiro, Sakura, Taka, Kyoko, Hifumi, Mondo, Toko, Celeste, Hina, and Byakuya. Someone killed Chihiro one of them.... it wasn't me!

The elevator descends as we all prepare for the class trial. 

Who lives...? Who dies...? I don't know... I know we are all in danger now. I feel scared, I get goosebumps. I feel cold even with the elevator heating us. I feel...


Here we go again.

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