Deadly Life (Chapter 3, part 2)

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Author's update: Sorry for the long wait between the last two chapters! Trying to do this but so much has been going on but I'm trying to get back :D Also I mix the names Sayaka and Sakura up so if Sayaka has diolouge it's actually Sakura because you know Sayaka is dead.

M-my family is still alive! There's still hope! Tears run down my eyes, this is my happiest moment here, but... I have to do this, I have to see my family again... I must win, right? My love for my family... I'll do anything for my family, anything. Even if that means killing my classmates... because I have to see my family again.

"Akira!" Sakura exclaims.

I wipe the tears from my eyes quickly.

"Wh-what?" I ask.

"Hifumi... his body... it's gone!" Sakura exclaims

"It was there a few hours ago so it can't already be gone Monokuma doesn't dispose until after the class trial," I say.

"Follow me," Sakura says.

I follow her to the nurse there is Taka on the floor, dead and limp but Hifumi is gone only with a trace of blood left in his path.

This can't be real... how are we supposed to do an investigation if Hifumi is gone??? Obvisouly disposed by the killer to throw us off, but it may be possible to still figure out the killer... maybe.

"The killer made the wrong move to throw us off," Kyoko says.

I look in surprise seeing Kyoko walk into the room. I try to talk to her the least I can, but... maybe- maybe I can brefriend her again and then murder her to throw them off... letting me see my family again. I can't, am I crazy?? I sigh.

"Why do you say that?" Sakura asks.

"Because the killer can't reach the next floor, we can find the body, because finding a dead body should not be the hardest to find..." Kyoko says.

"You're right," I say.

The three of us split up to find Hifumi's body...

Surprisingly, I struggle finding the body, I look everywhere but then I go to the final place to look: The Art Room. I walk in and look at every corner everywhere and then suddenly... I find it, Hifumi's dead body...

I call everyone in and they are relived I relocated the dead body but still suspicous about me.. no one says a word, they just look at the dead body of Hifumi. I look away, and walk out with no one seeing it.

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