Chapter 36. Curse and Promise

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Since then, Haniel has been part of my daily life.

Even though he wasn't exactly a mage specialized in healing, he would keep loitering around in our office to see me like a suitor who comes everyday.

"Allari," Servan nudged me lightly. "Since when have you been close with a big shot like Haniel?"

I only gave him a bored look.

"D-Don't look so unimpressed! Sister, he's a strong candidate to become the next master of the tower, you know!" My brother pointed out hysterically.

I glanced over Haniel who was making small talks with my fellow mages. Unexpectedly, his eyes also landed on me and he caught me staring at him.

Haniel gave me a lazy smile, one that didn't even reach his eyes. For a second, he averted his gaze, but he looked at me again and stuck out a tongue.

Bleh, he mouthed childishly.

"The world is all about connections, sis! Be good to him, okay? There's no harm in being buddies with a hotshot like that. Allari, are you listening to me?"

Annoyed by Servan's constant blabbering, I hissed at him like a cat. My brother screamed like a fool and ran crying to our colleagues. He's so sensitive!

Just when I thought I was left alone in a corner, Haniel appeared beside me with his usual smile.

"Between you and your brother, you seem like the older one." The black-haired mage commented.

I simply shrugged. Don't talk to me, you moron...

"You seem upset with me, Callista." he surmised.

I glared at him. It's good that he knows, at least.

Why exactly am I upset with this man?

Well, for one, he's been reticent ever since that day we talked under the oak tree. More than his love confession, I was way more interested as to how he actually came to know about my identity.

But every time I try to ask him, Haniel keeps on evading the question or changing the subject.

"Callista, it is not my intention to keep you in the dark." Haniel explained in a soothing voice. "It's just that if I recount the story of how I first came to know you, I would have to disclose some facts."

I nodded expectantly, telling him to continue.

"And these facts are so cold, tawdry, and unkind." He whispered to me. "If you truly want to know, then you have to tell me. After what you've been through, can you handle another heartbreak?"

Haniel and I stared intently at each other's eyes. It has only been days since we first met, but the genuine concern was palpable on his face.

I heaved out a deep sigh then wrote my thoughts.

You underestimate me.

I gave him a reassuring smile.

If you really know me, then you must be aware that I've been through the worse of the worst, Haniel.

"I know," His face softened. "I know, Callista."

Haniel leaned against the desk behind us and extended his arm behind me. For a while, he stared fondly at me like he usually does.

After a moment of silence, Haniel blew a deep sigh then leaned closer to my face. He had a conflicted expression. "I simply do not wish to hurt you."

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