Chapter 77: You, Whom I Love

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"I trust you, Cal."

My heart almost melted at Haniel's words.

Because more than love, the weight of trust was heavier to me. After all, it was easy to feel love for anyone, but it was hard to learn to trust someone.

Right now, he's entrusting me such an important task that could make or break this story. Haniel asked me to convince Ruth to sever her contract with the devil, which is by no means an easy feat.

What if I fail? Then we would've wasted time and manpower just by trying to get the grand duchess on our side. In the first place, she is the villainess.

That was her role, and this wasn't a fairytale.

You can't just convince evil to stop being evil.

"I'm not sure about this." I mumbled, feeling queasy all of the sudden. "She won't listen..."


"She hates me too, you know?" I panicked.

"Cal, look at me..." Haniel gently cupped my face. His voice was so soothing. "If you can't make her stop, then so be it. What matters is that we tried."

I swallowed the lump on my throat.

"I am confident that I can defeat Lilith even with their contract intact. The only reason I'm asking you to try and sever it is to minimize the damage in the north and to prevent unnecessary deaths."

At that moment, I felt ashamed.

The main character had such a noble heart.

While I was thinking how difficult it would be on my end, he was only thinking how it would save more lives. Indeed, what an altruistic fellow he is.

I smiled bitterly. I don't deserve him.

"Alright." I closed my eyes. "I'll do my best."

"Hmm," The mage placed his forehead on mine, softly nudging our noses. "I'm counting on you."

After a moment of silence, Haniel pulled away from me and prepared himself for battle. His purplish eyes had a sharp glimmer on them.

"Fellini," He called in a baritone voice.

Ashen Fellini, the leader of the underground organization Sanctum and my former boss, stepped forward. "At your service, my lord."

"I leave her in your hands." Haniel declared.

With that, the main character sprung out of his spot and catapulted himself towards the bleak skies, where the devil incarnate was currently imprisoned within a massive spell launched by the mages. Without an ounce of hesitation, he went through the yellow-tinted magic barrier.

My heart pounded anxiously. Will he be okay?

"The barrier is exclusively meant to cage the devil incarnate. Lilith won't be able to leave, but anyone else can come and go as they please. Rest assured."

I flinched upon hearing that hoarse and familiar voice. I turned around, eyes narrowed into slits.

"If things go south, Haniel can escape from the barrier without any problem." My treacherous brother added. "Long time no see, dear sister."

Servan. So he was really here, too. Nothing much changed about him. He still had that curly brown hair and blue eyes with freckles across his face.

I frowned. "Who are you calling your sister?"

Despite the thick, round lenses he wore, they weren't able to hide the sadness on his eyes.

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