Chapter 74: The Beginning of the End

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Just like how the first snow fell from the skies, the memories of my past life resurfaced on my mind one by one. As to why they chose to return my memories at this point of time, I'm not sure.

It has only been half a day since I parted ways with Her Highness, who should be leading her army while I was heading north with a horse.

"Sorry for bringing you out in this cold, buddy." I stated apologetically. My hands were tightly gripped on the reins of my trotting companion.

Soon enough, I saw a hint of snow-filled ground. It was the sign that I'm about to reach the land of Chioni, where the only constant thing is winter.

The cold and barren territory of the Averill duchy, where the northerners live to fight in the borders.

Despite my intimate past with the grand duke, I've never been to Chioni before. It was the place that I once dreamed of going to, but ended up resenting.

I need to hurry, I thought with a sense of urgency.

It was too quiet, and the silence was dreadful.

The previous arc ended when the executioner, Kallen, was beheaded by the grand duke and the princess arrived on the palace with her forces.

By now, the last arc should be starting in Chioni.

The devil's host, Ingrid Nala Marchetti, has been cooped up in the north in the guise of recuperating. In fact, the devil is in slumber.

However, the final arc is set to begin with Ingrid regaining the full extent of her powers. Once she awakens, the devil will wreak havoc in the north.

And that's what makes my heart so uneasy.

Because Haniel is alone in the north right now.

I know that he's an omnipotent mage, and that he's the main character now. Haniel might even have the so-called plot armor. Still, this story includes a tragedy tag. What if he dies then?

That's why I can't stop. I don't have time.

My face was starting to feel numb due to the winter, and the ironclad body of Ellis wasn't totally safe from the cold. I was freezing.

"You there!" A voice shouted at me. "Halt!"

I pulled the reins of my horse and looked back over my shoulder. My brows furrowed upon seeing three knights donning the same badge.

A crimson shield with a red butterfly.

The Lohefalter knights.

Good timing. They're under the direct command of Grand Duke Averill. I need their cooperation.

I unmounted from my horse. "Greetings."

"Identify yourself!" One of them ordered hoarsely, glaring at me. "What's your business in Chioni?!"

This dude needs to chill. Seriously.

"I am the princess's personal knight, and I was sent by His Grace, the grand duke." I asserted calmly. "Who's in charge of the north now?"

The three knights exchanged doubtful glances.

"We never received word about the princess's knight coming over!" One of the men stepped forward in an attempt to intimidate me. "Scram!"

I sighed. "Listen, we don't have time..."

The knight didn't even let me finish. "I said, scram! We have no business with the royal knights! Tch!"

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