Chapter 2

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It's been almost a month since I started at the university, math classes passed as quickly as it came and we started focusing on our real classes, law. Olivia, Clair and I, are studying law and although I instantly drooled over Clair's friend, Jake, it's sadly a thing of the past, we exchanged a few hello's and small talk at every class but as soon as real classes began, it was long gone. I can't shake the boy out of my head though, Clair and Liv isn't really helping the situation, they tend to bring him up quite often, but between classes and being on the riding team for the university, I don't really have time to drool over those gorgeous pair of blue eyes and amazing biceps of his... Well most of the time.

"Hey Case, what about going out this Friday night?" Liv nudges me with a gleam of mischief in her eyes, the sorta look granddaddy would give momma when she's making roast for dinner, needless to say, there's some trouble brewin'. "Yeah Casey! I'll ask some of my other friends in to join as well, didn't you say you have your friend from home coming too? It's Valentine's Day after all, we'd might as well go and get drunk or something!" Clair eagerly waves her hand at me, taking a puff from her cigarette with the other. I chuckle and give in for once, it'll be good to let Adri have a good time while she's here for the weekend "Alright I reckon it's a good idea, you guys can meet Adri and we'll at least be having fun, even single on Valentine's day right?"

Both of my friends look at me like I've won an Oscar for my answer I gave them, knowing usually I'd postpone the idea. "Okay it's settled then! Friday. We. PARTY!!" Olivia exclaims, leaving me and Clair to chuckle. After our brisk encounter after class I head to the outer parts of the campus, all sports are practised and played on these parts, it's far away from the auditoriums so it won't disturb classes and it's large enough to house the various sports teams the university has.

When I finally get to the my team locker room's I quickly change into my riding gear and head out to the stalls, to saddle up my horse. "Hey Casey" I'm greeted by Darren, a fellow rider on the team, he's already saddling up his horse, I give him a small smile "Hey Darren. You ready for today's practise?" he returns my smile and a quick nod "Yeah, what about you country girl? Ready for the tricky stuff?" he mocks at me. I wrinkle my nose in disapproval, "Now hold on city boy, just because I've been raised on a farm doesn't mean I can only ride western ya know..." I wink at him as I make sure my saddle is secure, he just chuckles "Just kidding, I know you're a great rider Cas"

We walk out with our horses, leading them to the open arena, there we're greeted by our trainer Sonya, "Ah my two star riders are on time for once are they" Sonya smiles our way and we chuckle. I get onto Midnight, my Friesian stallion and start to do a warm up trot when Sonya interrupts the sound of only the horse's movements, "So guys, they've informed me that our neighbours will be starting practise today... So that means we'll be hearing motorbikes any second now, so just be wide awake in case the horses get a fright." Oh hell no, I'd hope there isn't any motocross riders this year after hearing they are our neighbouring team at the university.

Darren and I proceed with training and luckily there hasn't been any sign- or sound, of motorbikes BUT off course my luck would soon be lost as I hear the intense ref of a two stroke engine. Don't get me wrong, I don't have  problem with bikes, my cousins have had plenty for me to know the difference between a two and a four stroke bike, I just don't like it around my horses. Midnight comes to a screeching stop as the white, black and orange bike takes a huge ref right besides us, I decide to let my southern temper cool and just continue to ride on, calming Midnight in the process.

But sadly my southern temper gets the best of me when not for the second, third or fourth but fifth time, the biker ref's his bike extra hard EXACTLY when Midnight and I are next to him on the same turn, Midnight got his first fright for the sound. At the said fifth time, I stop midnight and get off of him, walking towards the arena gates that are connected to the bike track next to us, the arrogant biker had seen this and stopped right in front of me a few steps away, good.

"Listen, I don't know what your problem is but I best be advising you to stop whatever game you're tryin' to play because I swear on my Daddy's corn fields if you at least once ever try and give my horse a fright while I'm riding, so help me, I will take that damn helmet of yours and shove it where the sun don't shine. So why don't you stop playing games, practise whatever you practise on your contraption and stop foolin' around. You got it?" Like I said, sometimes my southern temper gets the best of me. Instead of getting a fight back as I had anticipated, the biker just gestured a sorry with his gloved hand, my temper still high, I storm off to the stables with Midnight trailin' behind. 


Well well well Casey did indeed get a rise in her southern temper! What's your thoughts on the story so far?

Happy reading


a Country gal lovin' a biker boyWhere stories live. Discover now