Chapter 9

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~Jake's POV~

"So you two are still dicks for pulling that joke on us Saturday. BUT I'm happy you had the balls to actually ask her." Clair hits my shoulder and I grin "Well we had to get you back for sticking your noses into our business like that bro, but thanks." Yeah I call Clair bro; she's like a guy in my eyes. "SO. Have you told her?" Clair interrupts looks at my questioningly and I smile sheepishly, knowing what she's getting at "OH BRO..." she sighs and continues before I could say anything "She's going to kill you, she can't stand him and his weird antics... your antics, fuck bro you're confusing me with this."

"Look I'll tell her in good enough time alright? I just need to have just her and me for a while you know. Before it all gets crazy, she doesn't have a clue and I like that. I like her. A lot." Clair sighs, "Look I get it. BUT YOU'VE GOT TO TELL HER. SOON! You can't keep telling her you're going home every other weekend, you're lying and NO girl likes that bro... Aren't you taking her out tonight? Tell her TONIGHT" and I nod at her question smiling at the thought of seeing her tonight, having her all to myself again... "Don't go all love sick puppy when I'm with you, you shouldn't be drooling over her in your mind, you should be thinking about telling her the truth." Well she has a point but I can't get those beautiful brown eyes out of my mind...


Nervously I knock on the front door of Casey's apartment and a few seconds later Olivia opens the door "Oh hey Jake! Case's is almost done, come in and I'll get her in a sec." I smile at her "Thanks Liv, weren't you and Nate supposed to go out tonight?" Liv shrugs "Oh yeah but I got the feeling Nate wanted more... And I kind of have my eye on someone else-" I stop listening as I hear faint footsteps from behind me, I turn with a smile but my smile is cut short, I don't think I've ever seen something as beautiful as this girl in front of me... Her eyes shining brightly at me, those dark brown curls cascading down her shoulder, the navy blue cocktail type of dress flowing out from her waist... She's stunning. She gives me asthma. I seriously can't breathe and that's a lot coming from me.

After a few seconds she breaks the silence "Hey Blue..." by the time she finished greeting me I had my arms around her small waist, our faces an inch from each other "You look amazing Cocoa..." and there she does it again, she blinks, it's like her body rejecting the compliment but seconds later she recovers "You don't look to bad yourself..." she breathes out and boy do I want to fucking kiss her... I inch closer, our lips barely touching and just as I am about to kiss her we're interrupted by a throat clearing from behind us, Olivia, and I groan in annoyance "Let's get going Cocoa..." and she nods saying goodbye to her friend as we head out the front door.

As I open the door to my truck she gives me a kiss on the cheek "So am I allowed knowing where we're goin' yet?" OH that southern accent is going to be the death of me, yes you're allowed, keep talking like that and I'd kill someone for you, go to the moon for you, stop for you... "Well Cocoa if I tell you it won't be a surprise anymore now would it?"


"Oh my goodness this is adorable!" Casey squeals beside me and I chuckle, I knew this would be perfect, I decided to take her to a movie screening on the side of an old building in town, no one knows what movie will be showing but it's supposed to be a classic one. I pull her closer to me as we walk to find a great spot "Let's just hope it's some thriller so I have a reason to... protect you." I whisper in her ear and she giggles "And who said I'm scared of some silly little thriller?" "Oh so you're not?" I smirk and she huffs "Why should I be Blue?" and there it is, that challenge in her eyes, I put down the picnic basket with our dinner and blanket and wrap my arms around her tightly "Because if you were I would've had another reason to protect you Cocoa..." and I grin at her slight blush on her cheeks.

We got settled on our blanket and had a few snacks when the movie started rolling, oh kill me know, their showing Titanic. Luckily we chose a spot at the back so no one really notices us, I look at the stunning girl in my arms, I have my back against a tree and her back is against my chest with her head on my shoulder, giving me perfect access to her neck. Not slightly interested in the movie I unconsciously start to kiss her neck, trailing the kisses as far as I possibly can resulting in her giggling and turning her face towards mine "What are you up to-" I cut her off kissing her lips and lingering there for a few seconds and she smiles as I lean back "Disappointed it's not a thriller?" she questions and I smile "No I'm happy with Titanic, now I can focus on this beauty with me instead of some lame movie" she smiles a few seconds and then it's replaced by a scowl, or more her scrunching her nose.

"Wait you don't like Titanic? It's a great love story and-" I cut her off with a snort and she looks at me challengingly "Ya'll don't think so?" and I chuckle "No I don't think so Cocoa, real love fights for it, real love doesn't let the other one freeze to death, real love don't give in to fate, you fight it. Hell I wouldn't let myself freeze leaving you in the middle of freezing ocean, I'd figure out a way to get on that damn thing and keep you fucking warm, even if it means I'd have to die in the end, but I sure as hell won't float around in the water waiting to die, I'd make sure you're okay." My mini speech has her looking at me with sparkling eyes and before I could say anything else she kissed me.


"Hey man. How was last night?" Nate pats me on the back as he walks into the kitchen still half asleep and I grin "It was great man, she's perfect." Nate chuckles "I'm glad for ya man, did you tell her?" and I smile sheepishly "Well no. BUT I'm going home with her this weekend and then I'll find the right moment to tell her you know?" Nate gives me a look and I sigh "Jake, the longer you wait the more mad she's gonna be. Olivia and Clair-" I cut his speech off "Hey about Olivia, weren't you two supposed to go out last night?" and he shrugs "Yeah we were, but yesterday she texted me she thinks it's a bad idea, there's someone else she has an eye on and doesn't want to string me along. Hey, respect for her honesty though. Have you invited them to tonight's sports events yet?"

"No but I'll call her now to get it settled, she's supposed to be done training by know." I scroll through my contacts, searching for Casey's name pressing the dial icon. A few seconds later the phone is answered "Hey Jake" but not by my girlfriend.

I am very very sorry for the wait on this chapter, I have told you about my boyfriend having some health issues a few chapters back and he had relapsed, I again dropped everything to be by his side and he did undergo a surgery, he's doing much better and  I am back to write as much possible! On the other note, I have turned 20 on the 1st of July so that had kept me busy as well! SO this chapter gives you a bit of an idea of how Jake is and what he's thinking, I might have a few more chapters from his view, but let me now if its a yay or a nay. 

AGAIN, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR VOTING, I have two readers who vote for each chapter and I'll be dedicating a personal favorite chapter to them soon! Please let me know what you think and press that little star** 

Happy reading 


a Country gal lovin' a biker boyWhere stories live. Discover now