Chapter 7

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"So I wanted to take you ice skating, but when I finally got a phone number and phoned them, the guy said they closed about two months ago, so please Casey just bear with me, I'm going to have to wing it just a little." Jake says with pleading eyes as he gets into the driver seat of his pick-up truck, I smile and thank my lucky stars since I'd never gone skatin' from the age of 7 so I don't think it would've gone so well. "Oh that's fine Blue, I'm sure you could muster up a pretty fun date" I wink at him and he grins at me, darn grin has the butterflies comin' back...

After a while of drivin' we stop at a small restaurant that looks like a 60's diner. Jake opens my door for me and takes my hand in his leading me to the entrance. We don't get a seat but get in the take away line. "So I'm taking you somewhere else to actually eat but this place has the best burgers and milkshakes by far" Jake grins at me and I can see his face turnin' darker when he spots the man in front of us eyein' me up and down, with his unsuspecting wife right beside him by the way. Before I could do anythin' Jake was over towering my small frame with his, switchin' the man's sight from me to Jake's back. I have to admit his jealous side is actually quite adorable and I can't help but giggle at his facial expression. His expression changes to something between serious and embarrassed when he sees me gigglin' "I hope you don't mind Cocoa but I don't like it when married men look at other women and I especially don't like it when their looking at you..." by the time his sentence is finished his arm is around my waist and my hands are on his chest slowly snaking to his neck.

"Next please." Was what interrupted the moment for us and both Jake and I realised we're still in the restaurant, he orders us burgers and milkshakes and denies any try of me helpin' to pay. We got our order soon after and got into his pick-up truck and drove a while longer than before. Jake parkerd his pick-up truck next to the river where there's lights that creates a path to the river itself. He jumps out and grins "don't peak and don't get out till I come and get you okay?" I giggle and nod as he closes his door, I can hear a few fumbles and mumbles and this has me gigglin' even more.

About five minutes later my door is opened and he takes my hand in his, grinning as he pulls me to the back of the truck and I feel like meltin', there's a blanket spread out and candles burning slightly with our food in the middle "I thought a picnic would do..." Jake whispers as he holds me from behind and I feel like all my organs have turned into butter, "a picnic on your pick-up truck next to the river... it's perfect." I voice just above a whisper but Jake must've heard it because his arms tighten around me. I'm near a heart attack for sure, my knees are wabbly, my heart's pacin' and I feel like I'm floating. We climb onto the back of his pick-up truck and ate with a comfortable conversation and some giggles now and then.

Later on Jake guides me towards the river holding my hand, we near a bench that looks out onto the water, it's now completely dark and the lights shimmer on the water, making this feel more like a fairy tale... He pulls me to him and we sit on the bench looking over the water. "So what's your favourite colour Cocoa?" I raise an eyebrow at his question but he grins and motion to me to answer and I smile "My favourite colour is Silver, Blue. What's yours?" he looks at me questioningly "Why do you call me Blue, Cas?" there's an emotion in his eyes that I can't figure out "Why do you call me Cocoa, Jake?" he smiles at me and switch his gaze to the river again, I sigh and look down. As if on the exact same time we start to speak "It's your-" we giggle and he lifts my chin with his finger so I can look into those smoulderin' blue eyes of his, before he could say anything I start to speak "I call you Blue because I haven't seen a pair of blue eyes like yours..." I whisper and the same emotion as a few seconds ago flashes through his eyes and then he smiles, cupping my face with both his hands "Your eyes. They aren't brown; they're this deep chocolate brown... Like cocoa... That's why I call you Cocoa..."

He lets go of my face and he sits a bit back "Listen Casey, I'm not a very straight guy. I can't-" I cut him off with my gigglin' which triggers him to realise what he had just said and his face pales "WAIT NO! I meant I'm not a very straight FORWARD guy. Oh for fuc-" I cut him off again "Oh relax, I'm just messin' with you Blue... Please continue with what you were going to say?" I try to look and sound as charming as I possibly can and he starts to smirk "I'll let the speech go and cut to the chase, long story short?" he looks at me questioningly and I nod, he smiles a nervous smile "Well Jasmine, Pete would like to know if you want to be his girl?"

I short and sweet, don't worry the next chapters will make up for it! Thank you for reading and a even bigger thank you for voting!* Let me know what you think** Comment/vote/follow

Happy reading


a Country gal lovin' a biker boyWhere stories live. Discover now