Chapter 20

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Jake's POV

"Yeah Mum, I'll tell her you say hi.... Okay Mum, I need to go I'm at her door. Sure, sure, yes... You too bye." I chuckle at my Mom for all her 'quick' messages that I need to send to Casey, my parents have fallen in love with just like I have. I just wish I can get her to be mine again, completely mine. Not friends, together. I've destroyed myself and almost lost her, I won't be able to survive that again... She makes me better, I want to be better for her. I walk into her and Clair's apartment and I grin at the site of boxes, maybe she's decided to throw them out, please let her tell me she's staying, please...

"Hey Cocoa, if you want I can takes those boxes to-" I follow the sound of movement to her room and my mood darkens at the sight. It's empty, thus the boxes out there is full of her stuff , she's still leaving. "You never planned on staying did you?" I hiss at her, clenching my jaw to keep my anger down. She looks at me sadly "I told you I'm going Jake... I told you I can't give you more than being friends. At least now I'm leaving with good memories of us as friends, instead of-" I cut her off with a punch to her door "That's bullshit! You can't tell me you don't feel what we have... Casey I fucking love you... I've tried everything to show you, I've tried taking you out, sending you flowers, being there for you. You're the first girl I've ever took home... Please just... Just tell me what I have to do or what I have to say to make you stay..." by the time I've finished my mini speech she's in tears and I choke back my own. I can't lose her.

"I'm leaving in two days Jake..." she steps closer to me and put her hand on my cheek, I lean into her without hesitance, I can see the hurt in her eyes "Why are you doing this Cocoa? I don't want you to leave... I'm sorry for everything bad I've caused, please stay..." I plead to her and she sheds more tears "I can't stay. You've broken my heart and I don't think it will ever mend... I will never stop loving you." She whispers and I break into tears, no please no... I can't do this "I can't say goodbye to you" I croak out as I run out the door.


Two days have passed and I feel like I'm burying my soul today. She's leaving today, and I can't do anything to stop her. My heart feels gone, like I have a black hole where it's supposed to be. My thoughts are interrupted by my door slamming open and there stands a furious Clair and Nate, I wipe at my tear stained face and look at them confusedly, Clair groans "You are such a fucking idiot I don't even know how to emphasize that enough. WHY AREN'T YOU FUCKING GOING AFTER HER? You love her don't you?" I look at her and nod and Nate chuckles "Man, go fucking fight for her one last time." I get up all of a sudden and rush to them "Let's go get my girl."

In what felt like decades we arrive at the airport and I run at top speed to the information desk, "Hello sir, my I help you?" an elderly woman at the desk ask me looking worriedly and I nod "Yes- The flight. To Italy. What- what time does it leave?" I heave out and she types into the computer in front of her "Oh I'm sorry the flight left fifteen minuets ago" No...


Casey's POV

It's been two hours at the airport and Pop is still in tears "Oh Pop I'm not going for good, I'll come and visit you as much as I can!" I try to hide my own tears. It's hard when you listen to your brain but your heart is screaming, begging you to reconsider. I feel empty inside, knowing that I'll be leaving the people I love again. Leaving him for good. 'You're protectin' yourself!' my brain says, 'You're love is stronger than this!' my heart says.

The signal my flight is leaving soon goes off and I sniffle "Well alright. You should go, this makes the goodbye a bit easier." I grab my Daddy around the neck and give him a tight squeeze, I grab Momma next and she burst out cryin' "I know why you're doing this, I understand baby girl. I just wish you'd give a leap of faith and stay..." I shake my head slowly at her and wipe away her tears. Pop starts to sob before I even touch him and I smile a small smile "I'll see ya soon Pop, I promise." He gives a nod and hold my cheecks between his hands "Baby girl, you need to think long and hard if its worth it to sacrifice you're heart to ensure you of never getting hurt. I hurt you're Grandmomma so many times, but I loved her three times more. Love isn't always happy Baby girl... Love hurts you most, especially when it's the one. It makes the love stronger when you're through it. Just think about it my girl, sometimes a person is worth the hurt. When they're your true love, they'll love you more every time." I sob into Pop, he's always known me so well, he reads me like no one else.

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