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" chapter five   "

•. 5. | NICK SMILED as he looked through Henry's Instagram. He looked through his posts. There were ones of Henry, ones of Henry and Louis, him and his brother. His most recent post was a photo of himself making a face at the camera with his guitars sitting in the background. The caption read: 'Give me songs to play on my guitar!!!' Nick chuckled to himself.

Meanwhile, Henry himself was playing music on his guitar. Specifically, the song 'Teddy Picker by Arctic Monkeys'. He mumbled the lyrics as he strummed the strings of his electric guitar. He had headphones connected to his amp, leaving the rest of the house in peace. Well, semi-peace.

Henry glanced to his right where he noticed his screen lighting up. Carefully, he reached over, picking up his phone to see a message from Nick Nelson himself. "Are you feeling okay? Is Charlie alright?" It read. He smiled as he took the headphones off on his head, placing them on his desk before walking to his bed. He sat on his bed before opening the message.

"Yeah, everything is fine, don't worry :)" he replied.

"You sure??" Nick asked.

Henry thought for a moment. He didn't want to tell Nick what happened because truly, it wasn't his story to tell. He sighed thinking for a moment, deleting then retrying every two seconds. He lay back, staring at the ceiling before he heard his phone go off again.

"You can talk to me about it if you want.
From what I saw, it seemed like a pretty serious situation.
But you don't have to
If you don't want to
But I am your friend and I do care "

Henry smiled to himself before thinking for a moment. He began to type.

"It's not really my story to tell.
Quick summary; Ben was an asshole to Charlie
Sometimes I just want to punch his face in!!!
Sorry... I know he's your friend."

"Well he's definitely not anymore!!!!"
GOD I hate him so much
Please don't ever talk to him again, Both you and Charlie." Nick responded.

Henry looked up from his phone for a moment. "

"Thank you for being my supportive straight f-" Henry stopped typing. He sighed before deleting the message and retyping it. "Thank you for being my friend haha :)"

"Lol that's okay!!!" Nick replied.
If he ever comes near you or Charlie again I'll kick his ass

Henry smiled, hesitating before replying with a simple text. 


Soon embarrassment and realization filled him. "Fuck." He muttered, rolling over and putting his face in his pillow. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He shouted into his pillow.

There was a knock on his door before his twin entered the room. "Henry?" Charlie called as he walked over to his bed. "Are you okay?" There was a muffled sentence. "What?"

Henry sat up, looking at his brother. "I think I like Nick."

"You think?" Charlie scoffed lightly. "It's pretty obvious."

"What?!" Henry looked at him with wide eyes.

"To me!" Charlie reassured his brother, who fell back onto his bed once again. "Just to me!... Maybe Louis too."

"Fuck!" Henry cried, putting his hands on his face. "I sent him a heart. I hesitated but I still did it!" He let out a groan, rolling over again. "I'm an idiot."

"Henry, it's fine!" Charlie looked at his brother. 

"He doesn't even know I'm gay, Charlie! Nobody knows I'm gay! Only you, Tori, Louis, Mum, and Dad." Henry cried, sitting up to look at his brother."

There was a silence before either of them spoke up again. "Do you think you're ready?" Charlie asked as he sat beside his brother. Henry glanced at him. "To come out?"

"I-I don't know." Henry sighed. "I don't know... maybe? I'm not sure. There's something telling me I'm ready but then I get all nervous. Do you remember what I was like telling Mum?"

"You were a wreck." Charlie laughed lightly.

"I was panicking all night! Then... I blurted it out without realizing it over ice cream." Henry smiled, remembering the memory. "That was some good ice cream though."

"How was it?" His brother asked.

"Delicious." Henry smiled. His brother snorted with a large smile. "Oh, you meant..." Charlie nodded. "Oh, it felt... it felt good actually. I mean, I've been in the closet since I was, what, twelve or thirteen? It felt nice to get it off my chest."

"See?" Charlie nudged him with a smile. "Don't worry, it takes time. You come out when you're ready to come out, don't let anyone force you to."

Henry let a smile take over his face as he side-hugged his brother. "You're the best little brother."

"Hey!" Charlie shoved him off of him. "You're only older by, like, four minutes!"

Henry shrugged. "Still makes me older, doesn't it?"


I had to rewrite the last part because I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT ALL! 😭

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