18. 𝘎𝘐𝘙𝘓𝘚.

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" chapter eighteen "

•. 18. | "WATCH out, Dick-nozzle." Harry smirked as he barged into Tao's shoulder. All of his friends all laughed at the comment while Henry, Charlie and Tao just looked at him. It was another school morning. The trio were just trying to walk into school without any bother.

"If you want my attention that badly, why don't you just throw something at me again?" Tao questioned, looking at him with a glare. "Like your last remaining brain cell?" All of the boys laughed while Harry furrowed his eyebrows, screwing his face up at him. He didn't reply after that, all he did was try to dismiss it.

The trio continued to walk. "Wow." Charlie spoke, looking up at him. "I think you hurt his feelings."

"Good." Tao spoke before looking over to the bench where Nick sat with Imogen. Henry smiled at him as they walked past, his hands in his pockets and the usual headphones around his neck. Louis, his best friend, jogged over to them all, walking next to Charlie.

"Hi!" He greeted them all. "Henry, what is up with your hair?"

"What?" Henry stopped and looked at him. "What d'you mean? Louis, what's wrong with my hair?"

"Nothing, it's just... yikes." Louis pretended to shiver as he looked at him. Henry instantly took out his phone and turned on his camera. There was nothing wrong with his hair. Louis was just being an arsehole. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"


STRAIGHT after school, Nick and Henry met up in the park. Of course, Nick brought Nellie meaning Henry was spending most of his time cooing at the brown collie. The two boys lay side by side on a blanket while Nellie lay beside Nick's legs. The brunette boy had his arms crossed behind his head as he stared up at the sky. "I had a question." Nick spoke up.

"What's up?" Henry turned his head to look at him.

Nick looked at him. "I just wondered, like... how did you realise you were gay?"

Henry slowly turned to look back at the sky. "I, uh... I guess I just kind of always knew. Even when I was, like, really young. Obviously, i didn't understand at the time. But, it's always been boys, I suppose." The boy glanced at Nick who had closed his eyes. "I'm guessing it wasn't the same for you."

"Well, no." Nick shook his head. "I don't know what I am."

"You have time. You don't have to know right away." Henry chuckled as he looked back toward the blue sky. "I didn't just wake up a one day like, 'oh, wow, boys are hot, guess I'm gay now.'" The two boys chuckled at his comment before Nick spoke again.

"I'm sorry for being all confused." Nick muttered.

"Wow, and I thought I said sorry too much."

"Oi!" Nick looked at him. Henry slowly and carefully sat up, looking around the park. It was empty as he looked around. Carefully, he glanced at Nick.

"Would a kiss help?" Henry joked with a smile.

"Wow." Nick chuckled.

"Just a little suggestion." Henry shrugged.


"Fine. If you're not interested—" The brunette boy fully sat up, pretending that he was going to get up and leave. He felt Nick grab onto his hand with a chuckle. The boy was sitting up slightly, using his arm as support so he wasn't fully laying down.

"Okay. Hang on." Henry sighed as he leaned back down, laying the same way as Nick. "It's a good suggestion." As the boy leaned in to kiss Henry, the loud barks of a dog echoed instantly making him jump away. He sighed, fully sitting up while Nellie whined beside him. "Sorry."

"Stop saying sorry." Henry nudged him slightly. "You've nothing to be sorry for." Nick glanced at Henry, who had a reassuring smile on his face. He was being patient. Waiting for him. Henry was ready to be there for him, no matter how long it took.


"GROWING up bisexual is constantly second-guessing yourself." The YouTuber on Nick's laptop spoke. Nick sat on his bed, watching the video with his arms crossed. "One day you'll have a crush on a guy, the next day you have a crush on a girl, and you're sitting there going, 'which one is it? Make a choice.' And then you realise, there isn't a choice. It's a combination of the both. Like, you can have both and it be okay."


Short chapter, I know. 🤷‍♀️

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