Please Don't Freak Out

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Beginning notes:

Ok, so technically this was posted on Wednesday night instead of Thursday morning like normal, but I have to be at work super early tomorrow so this is easier than stressing in the morning sooooo here you go!

***CONTENT WARNING: Sky's gonna have a panic attack in this chapter. There's also going to be some descriptions of violence during the monster attack scene. Please Be Safe!***


"Well!" Mr. Wayne claps his hands together. "That settles it!."

"C'mon," Dick puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'll drive you and Bobby home."

Dazedly, I follow him out of the room. 'Ok, I guess we're doing Christmas at the Wayne's.'

Cabin Counselor Group Chat:

Seth: has anyone else noticed a distinct lack of monster attacks lately?

Everyone else: Why would you jinx us like that

— ☼ —

[Oh! Are you telling them about the Gala!!!]

[*laughs* Hi Steph. Yeah, this'll be about the Gala and Christmas and stuff.]

[Nice! Does that mean I finally get to hear the full story of what happened when we split up at the Gala?]

[Are you sticking around?]

[Uh, duh. I wanna hear what happened.]

[ok, sure I– gah! Cass! When did you get here?]

[*quiet laughter*]

[*deep breath* *loud sigh* Ok, christmas first...]

— ☼ —

True to his word, Mr. Pennyworth arrives at exactly 5pm on Christmas Eve to pick us up.

Bobby and I grab our backpacks before heading down the stairs and out the door - ignoring Uncle Nolan who is currently passed out on the couch.

"Thank you for picking us up Mr. Pennyworth." I say as we climb into the backseat.

"None of that 'Mr. Pennyworth.' I do believe I told you to call me Alfred." He replies as we begin the drive up to Bristol.

"Right, sorry. Thank you, Alfred." I correct myself.

"Yeah! Thanks, Alfred!" Bobby agrees.

I fiddle with my backpack during the drive. Inside are some cards that Bobby and I had made for the Waynes and Kents. Once we arrive at the Manor Bobby and I follow Alfred inside where he shows us to our guest rooms. The one assigned to me is the same one we had put our outfits for the gala. Alfred then opens the next door and states that it's Bobby's room.

"Woah." Bobby's eyes go wide. "I get my own room? Awesome!"

I wince at that. We had always lived in a two bedroom apartment - both with Mom and Dad, and now with Uncle Nolan. So we had pretty much always shared a bedroom. Leave it to my brother to say it in the worst way possible though. I glance at Alfred nervously but he doesn't show any signs of reacting. Instead he simply states;

"Master Damian and Mister Jon should be in Master Damian's room. And I believe the others are currently picking movies for a marathon in the media room. Dinner tonight will be at 7pm. Is there anything else that either of you need at the moment?"

"I'm good, thanks Alfred!" Bobby darts past him and down the hallways towards Damian's room.

I hesitate slightly. "We um, we have some cards for everyone that we made. Should I hand them out now or..."

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