It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...

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Beginning Notes:

Me: *pulls up Chapter 16 document*

My Brain: but must we? we are so tired. and we do not feel well. why must we work???

My Anxiety: If We Don't Start Working On This Chapter Now Then We Will Fall Behind And Then Stay Up Late To Meet The Deadline And Then Get Sick Again Due To Lack Of Sleep Compromising Our Immune System AGAIN

Me: *stares blankly at open document*


We're back to Skylar's debrief POV for - probably - the rest of the story


Trigger Warnings: Brief intrusive thoughts of suicide - it's like, one sentence, but still be careful


"I hope you enjoyed our debrief, young Spartan."

"We look forward to watching your life string for many years to come."

"Or perhaps simply many patterns."

[*Skylar setting up to record today, singing under her breath* it's my party and I'll cry if I want to. Cry if I want to. Cryyyy if I want to. You would cry too if it happened to you– doo doo Doo Doo doo]

— ☼ —

Returning to consciousness is slow. I can hear the voices of people around me talking before I can get up the energy to open my eyes. There's warm hands pressing gently against my forehead. Another set of hands is holding one of mine. They are the ones who are talking.

"She needs rest."

"I agree. But my father is impatient. He wants to begin the celebrations."


Slowly I blink open my eyes to see a familiar ceiling. Waking up on a cot in the Camp Half-Blood infirmary isn't a new experience - especially during the summer months. So it takes a little longer than normal to realize that something is weird.

Maybe it was the fact that it was Lester Papadopoulos - dad - glowing while he healed me instead of Will (who was sitting on a different cot and leaning against Nico's shoulder).

Maybe it was the fact that I wasn't supposed to be at camp because I should have been with the Waynes and Kents in Kansas.

But in all honesty, it was probably the fact that I could see Superman standing outside the door, guarding the infirmary, and the fact that Batman was holding my hand.

Batman and Superman who were Bruce and Clark.

Bruce and Clark who were not supposed to know about camp.

My eyebrows furrow at Batman and Lester as I try to sit up. "What–?"

And then it hits me. The competition. The Hydra. Seth.

Immediately I scan the rest of the infirmary and take stock of who's there. Batman and Lester next to my cot, Will and Nico sitting on another. Spread out amongst the rest of the cots are Malcolm, Valentina, Julia, Jake, Sherman, and Miranda. They all are in the process of patching up various cuts and burns with the help of my siblings who move about the infirmary easily. Superman still stands outside the door.

Everyone is here except for Seth.

"Skylar," Batman catches my attention with a gentle squeeze of my hand, "It's ok, you're safe."

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