Sunlit Gotham

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[So! When are you starting the last debrief? This is your last one, right?]

[Oh, hi, Jon. Yeah, this is the last... Wait. Why is everyone in the cave?]

[We wish to be here to observe the final recording.]

[That's... great, Damian, but does everyone need to be here?]

[Do you want us to leave?]

[...No, I... guess I don't mind if you stay.]

[Are you sure?]

[Yeah. Positive.]

— ☼ —

Making a face at myself in the mirror, I adjust my tie one more time before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs. It's the first day of the school year and I'm now officially a student at Gotham Academy.

Which unfortunately means I have to wear the GA uniform too.

Ties are suffocating. I grumble to myself, How do people do this everyday?

It takes a bit of chaos, but eventually Duke, Damian, Jon, Bobby, and I are dropped off at the Academy by Alfred. Duke is a senior this year, the trio are all sixth graders now, and I'm about to be a junior.

Bruce had given me the choice of staying at Gotham Heights if I really wanted to, but after talking it out I had to agree that ultimately Gotham Academy made the most sense. They just have better systems in place to help with my dyslexia and other learning disabilities. But starting at a new school where I wouldn't have any friends was also incredibly nerve wracking.

Or, it was until I see Andi and Ink staring up at the school sign above the doors with raised eyebrows, looking uncomfortable in their uniforms. Andi's younger siblings wander nearby, also all wearing uniforms.

Ink turns to say something to Andi before catching sight of me and frantically waves me over.

"Girl." He hisses when I get close, "What the hell did you do to get us all enrolled here? This is like, Rich People School!"

"I didn't do anything!" I protest, "I didn't even know Bruce had extended the scholarship to you guys."

"Yeah, about that." Andi turns her raised eyebrow to me. "I didn't even apply for any scholarship. None of us did! You know my folks don't have the money to get me here every day for school, let alone all of us. I mean, Josie's four. She's in preschool. How the hell did she get accepted? We didn't even know there was a scholarship available for that! It's preschool!"

I shrug at her. "I seriously don't know! I–" I'm cut off as my phone buzzes a few times in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see several messages from Bruce.

Bruce: Hope your first day goes well.

Bruce: Your friends should be there too.

Bruce: I told you about getting them into acceptances, right?

Bruce: Everything is all accounted for. You all just need to go to the office for your schedules.

Bruce: Tell your friend, Andrea, that After School Care is provided for her younger siblings so that their days all end at the same time.

Bruce: And ask Ian if Thursday would be a good day to meet with a Foster Family I found that is able to take in a teen. I personally did the background check to ensure that they are good people.

Bruce: Have a good day, good luck to all of you.


Andi and Ink lean over my shoulders to look at the messages when I don't elaborate.

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