Chapter 15

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I groggily sit up in my bed, due to my phone going off. I grab it from my bedside table and glance at the notifications.

9:45     Hey, where are you? - J
9:46     Are you okay?  - J
9:52    You're still  not here. - J

How on earth did he get my number? I swear to the Moon Goddess if it was Caleb, I'm going to kill him. He knows better than to give out my number, only him, and obviously my father, Mitchel, has it.

Climbing out of bed, I head to my bathroom, splashing my face with water. I  open up the cabinet to my left and grab the small flask. 

I open up the lid and drain out the rest of the suppressant, I need to make a fresh batch. I may as well get the ingredients today. The protection spell my mother showed me, it hides my wolf. 

I pick up the small pendant jewel attached to a brown thin cord and push it back into the flask, sealing the lid. Shoving it in my pocket, I go back to the bedroom, deciding to respond to Jason. Who knows what he'll do if I leave him on read.

Why do I care? Honestly, I really don't know. I don't want him randomly showing up on my doorstep again.

10:00  I'm fine, staying home today.  

Although it's not the full truth. If I'm to keep my distance, I need to stick back to my routine. I'll just write out my part for the assignment and give it to him tomorrow. He can do his part and then submit it.

10:01   Did something happen?  - J

Ugh, just leave me alone. Can't a girl get some peace once in a while!?

 10:02   No, Just taking the day off. 


I can live with that. Not wasting any more time, I chuck my shoes on and head out the back door towards the forest.

Taking out the old folded piece of paper, pushing out the creases and the brittle corners, I double-checked the list.

~ Feathers
~ Rosemary
~ White Clover
~ Thyme 
~ lavender

Love, Mum xx

Sighing, I carefully folded the paper back up, tucking it in my pocket, tapping it for security, and climbed the fence. 

Leaving a thump as I land, I look ahead and trudge my way past the first few feet of bushes, I hit the start of the treeline and continue walking.

Birds are chirping, and animals can be heard scuttering about. The trees sway with the breeze, rich in green and fresh grass sprouting through. I quickly take my shoes off, enjoying the fresh earth, feeling more grounded than before.

Taking in a deep inhale, I slowly exhale before setting my eyes on the small animal trail, I cautiously follow it, trying not to make any loud noises, I don't want to scare the animals.

I follow the trail further into the forest, keeping an eye out for anything I need. White clover is everywhere, there's a few scattered lavender bushes, but the main struggle will be feathers. 

I need a specific type from a blue robin. They're small, but the vibrant colours make it easier to spot. The contour feathers, covering the body of the bird, they're short, but smooth and easy to work with.

Some hours have passed as I find my usual spot in the circular opening of the forest. Deer, come here to graze. Sometimes, with luck, I can sit and watch them, with even more luck on a few occasions, I've been able to feed them.

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