Chapter 24

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"MOVE!" Someone boomed.

The sudden loss of contact causes me to shiver with coldness, the numbness  from before subsides, and all the pain increases in intensity.

I lay in the same position they left me in, unable to move. In fear, he was going to take his turn.

Loud gun shots and screaming could be heard in the distance, people running and arguing, I hope they're not here to kill me.

"They're here. Take her out the back before they get to her." A baritone voice ordered.

"Fraya, is this it? am I going home?" 

I stay as still as possible, the feeling of someone grabbing me, increasing the dread. The sudden loss of contact from the floor is almost relieving.

"I can't wait to have my piece with you," They whispered, walking out of the room.

I recoil at his voice, refusing to look up at him, I open my eyes, watching where he is carrying me. The corridor from early now dark and flashing red. 

"It's going to be so good, them boys are inexperienced, don't know how to do it rough and good." He continued as we walked further away from the cell.

I start thrashing at the thought of being used again, trying to get out of his grip. My elbow made contact with his face, causing him to drop me to the floor.

"You bitch!" He bellowed.

Taking the chance I run, any direction but him. He's close behind but I ignore it a small amount of adrenaline courses through my veins.

I slam through one open door, to the next not taking my sight away from the target. The alarm blaring only got louder the further away I ran.

Dead bodies are seen everywhere, some in white clothes now stained red, others in their wolf form, sprawled over one another.

Shaking my head ignoring the sight I leave through another set of doors only to be thrown heavily into the floor. 

"Got you bitch I may as well have you now seeing they aren't in this area."

I struggle to crawl away, my body is thrown on my back. I start kicking hold my arms up against his strong hands only for him to pin them either side of me.

I start screaming, as loud as I could. Fear and dread is all I could feel. I just want it all to stop. 

Please someone make it stop.


A loud gun shot pierces through my screams, the filthy guard drops shortly after, practically crushing me on site.

He is soon dragged off me my eyes are shut tightly, shivering in fear my arms once again covering my face.

"Shh, shh it's okay, I have you." He spoke.

I refused to look, in fear of everything. I felt myself being lifted from the floor, A sudden warmth  encasing my body, the shivering slowly stopped my eyes felt heavy.

I lean into them, listening to their heartbeat, the rhythmic steadiness of it calming my own, tingles flow through my body, slowly putting me at ease.

"Alpha this way! The car is waiting for you," I heard some one shout.

I hear another door creak open, the sudden heat from the sun hits my skin. The alarms fell silent, the only sound of foot steps and car doors opening. 

I'm out.

"Oh my god what did they do to her?" A female voice spoke. "Here. take the blanket wrap her in it."

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