Chapter 3

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Angy stood hesitantly at the threshold of the grand dining room, her hands fidgeting nervously at her sides. The opulence of Alex's family mansion enveloped her, from the towering ceilings adorned with ornate chandeliers to the polished marble floors that reflected the soft glow of candlelight. She felt distinctly out of place amidst the lavish surroundings, acutely aware of the weight of Alex's family's scrutiny bearing down upon her.

Maria, the kindly housekeeper who had helped Angy into a comfortable night dress, had escorted her downstairs. The array of luxurious garments in the closet hinted at the wealth and status of Alex's family, further highlighting Angy's sense of displacement.

Alex's father, a formidable figure seated at the head of the table, regarded Angy with an inscrutable expression that sent shivers down her spine. His piercing gaze seemed to strip away her defenses, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable.

Beside him, Alex's mother exuded warmth and hospitality, her eyes twinkling with genuine interest as she beckoned Angy forward. "Don't be shy, dear. Please, take a seat," she encouraged, her smile a beacon of reassurance amidst the sea of uncertainty.

Reluctantly, Angy stepped forward, her footsteps echoing softly in the cavernous room. She cast a wary glance at Alex's father, half-expecting him to veto Maria's invitation, but to her surprise, he remained silent, his demeanor unreadable.

Angy nodded silently and limped to the nearest available seat, which unfortunately happened to be beside Alex. Her fingers folded on her lap, her gaze fixed on the sumptuous meal set before her on the dining table. Lasagna, the kind that seemed too perfect to exist outside of television screens. The side dishes, sauce, and marinated chicken made her mouth water. On cue, her stomach growled loudly, drawing embarrassed attention from the others.

"Go ahead and eat, Angy. You haven't eaten for days," Ella urged, gesturing toward the food.

Angy nodded again, taking up the cutlery and quietly beginning to eat, still mesmerized by the flavors. Each bite was a revelation, unlike anything she had ever tasted. She couldn't help but wonder if this was the kind of food Alex enjoyed every day. For now, though, the meal took precedence over any worries about Alex and his family.

Dinner passed in relative silence, the only sounds the clinking of cutlery against ceramic plates. But Angy's discomfort grew as she sensed the tension in the air, like a calm before a storm. The silence seemed to weigh heavily upon her, ominous and foreboding.

As dinner concluded, everyone moved to the large living room. Alex's parents settled on the couch opposite Angy, while Ella and Alex took separate divans nearby. Angy gulped, feeling the weight of everyone's attention focused on her. It was clear that Alex's father had called this meeting to address her presence among them.

"Carl, you're beginning to make her uncomfortable." Alex's mother interjected, her hand resting gently on her husband's arm.

Carl, Alex's father, briefly acknowledged his wife's touch before turning his intense gaze back to Angy. "What is your name?"

Angy held back a flinch at the authority in his voice. Sharp like the blade of a sword, his words tore through the tension coursing through her. It forced her to straighten her posture and meet his gaze. The way he looked at her reminded her so much of that of Alex's, it wasn't hard to note the striking resemblance between father and son. "Angy. Angy Leon."

"How old are you?" Carl pressed, steely.

"Seventeen." Angy replied, wondering why he needed to know her age, but she didn't dare voice out he concerns.

"Where are you from and why are you here?" Carl inquired after a brief moment of silence. He noticed Angy's eyes widen and her throat bob nervously. Her reaction piqued his interest, he couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows in curiosity.

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