Chapter 8

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"Please, drop me off here, Sir Devon."

Alex turned, his head cushioned by the headrest of the backseat. His eyes fluttered open lazily to stare at Angy.

"I'm sorry, Angy but I can't do that. I was given strictly clear orders to ensure that you're safely dropped off at school. More so, we'll be there in a few minutes." Devon, Alex's driver said.

"No, drop me off here. I can walk from here, it's not quite the distance you should be worried about. I'll be safe." Angy leaned forward in the back seat of the car, pushing her backpack behind her.

"What is going on?" Alex searched her face, trying to figure out if there was anything he had to be worried about.

"Alex, I'll be fine. Tell him."

"Not until you tell me what is going on." Alex said skeptically.

"It's nothing. Nevermind." Angy brushed it off and leaned back on the seat, looking out the window.

"Hey." Alex called softly, picking on her blazer sleeve to get her attention, which he did. "What's wrong?"

Angy sighed and drew her eyes slowly away from the tinted car window. "Nothing is wrong, Al."

"I know something is up. Tell me." He prodded.

"People are going to be suspicious. Of me. Of us." Angy whispered.


"The students. They saw us together yesterday and today is no different." She avoided his eyes.

"How does this make you worried?" Alex was confused.

"There are rumors already and if we keep this up, it's only going to get worse." Angy replied.

"No, it won't. Trust me, the rumors will disappear before you know it. I'll make sure of that." Alex promised, releasing the sleeve of her blazer he'd been holding on to.

"Hm." She hummed in reply, leaning back on the seat with a tired sigh.

"If there is anything else bothering you, let me know." Alex was aware that he was asking for too much from Angy but he just wanted her to know that he was here for her.

"Okay." She lied. Despite knowing that Alex would be able to perceive her lie, she found herself lying blatantly to his face.

"We're here." Devon announced after he'd pulled up at the school's parking lot.

Muttering a quick thank you, Angy practically bolted out of the car, not wanting to spend yet another second with Alex's suffocating presence. The type that would make her fall bare at his will. At the very least, she was grateful that they'd arrived early to school, that way she didn't have to be worried about the crowd of students. There was barely anyone in the hallway as she headed down to her locker to pick out her Maths textbook. Today's first period was for maths.

"Hey, princess."

At the sudden voice, Angy jerked backwards in shock, eyes wide and her breath held. Her impulsive reaction almost caused her to trip but her shoulders were caught firmly by a pair of hands to prevent her from falling backwards. She let out a breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding. "Drew." She whispered breathlessly.

Kyle released Angy's shoulders and took a step backwards, choosing to dip his hands into his pockets.

"Now, that face has just become what I'd live for. Totally worthy of it." Drew remarked with a cheeky grin lighting up his mischievous eyes.

Angy turned sharply and glared at Drew. "Don't you dare do that to me again."

"Oh, Darling. This is just the beginning." Drew pushed back a few loose strands of her hair from her face, mocking her with his smile.

The Troubles of Angyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें