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A torn family can knit back together with a little love.


Seven years ago...

Matteo and Leonardo sat on Leonardo's bed in his bedroom. One was colouring in a book whilst the other just sat, staring at nothing in particular.

Leonardo sat with his legs swinging back and forth at the edge of the bed. He made a move to grab another crayon but accidentally put pressure on his bruised ribs.

He winced in pain and murmured," O-Ouchi." He rubbed his ribs with his bandaged hand, trying to keep the tears at bay.

Alfanzo, his older brother, had accidentally stepped on his hand when they were 'playing' karate. 

That's what Leonardo would always tell himself after they were done 'playing'. 

He knew his brothers loved him, even if they had a different way of showing it. He just had to be good boy like Matteo, that way they wouldn't hurt him.

He bit his lip, trying his hardest to colour inside the lines and not ruin the drawing. They had been in his bedroom for over an hour. He was in so much pain but he tried his best to distract himself from it. He really wanted his drawing to be perfect.

He smiled to himself, finishing his drawing and showing it to Matteo.

Matteo smiled at him, showing him his dimples and congratulated him on the drawing.

Ruffling his hair he whispered," Is it for me?" 

Giggling, Leonardo shook his head," I-It's for p-papa. He l-looked sad today." 

Matteo suddenly frowned and shook his head.

"I don't think that's a good idea Leo. Papa might shout. He looked really angry." He whispered.

Leonardo frowned at his twins response and huffed," I wanna show him!" 

Matteo sighed and said," I'll come with you."

Leonardo smiled at his brother and they both left his bedroom, hand in hand. 



Leonardo's eyes welled with tears at his father's actions.

Why did he rip the drawing up?

He opened his mouth to say something before his father stood up from his office chair and walked over to him.

Alessandro towered over his youngest son's small, weak frame and glared at him through his piercing grey eyes.

"I have told you not to disturb me when I am working. Haven't I?" He menacingly growled.

Leonardo flinched when he raised his voice when receiving no answer.

"Answer me!" 

"Y-Yes b-bu-" 

"But nothing! Get out and go back to your room. NOW!" He yelled when Leonardo didn't move.

He sniffled but tried yet again.

"P-Papa I made it j-just for y-you. Please-"

He was met with a strong slap across his pale cheek. 

His father bent down until at eye level and said," Leave."

The boy's eyes welled with tears before he turned around and sped walked out of the office, a red hand print imprinted on his cheek. His twin following close behind.

FamilyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora