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Bullies cause depression

Depression causes suicide

Are you a murderer?

Present || Leonardo

My hand abruptly left Alonzo's and I pinched at my skin anxiously under the table. This couldn't be happening. Derek was the person my age?

The whole table was silent, all eyes on Derek and me.

Although he kept a smile plastered on his face, his cold eyes turned to stone. He looked mad. Really mad.

"S-sorry," I mumbled, averting my eyes to my untouched dinner plate.

Father cleared his throat," You two are close friends I'm guessing?" 

The way he says it, his tone, there's an edge to his voice as his sharp gaze pierces into Derek. He seems unfazed and continues to stare at me, seemingly ignoring my father.

"Yes, very close. Isn't that right Leo?" His fingers twitched, daring me to say no.

I nodded slowly, not trusting my voice. 

Antonio cleared his throat and started making small talk around the table, none of his questions reached me. I was okay with that, I just wanted this dinner to be over, the longer Derek is here the longer I have to stay on edge.

Not that you don't when you're alone with your brothers, a voice said.

I winced, that was true.

"Leo why don't you show me your bedroom?" Derek prodded, eyes twinkling in the chandelier's light.

"It-s n-not very c-clean." I stuttered, please someone say something. I can't be alone with him. I can't.

"Take him to your room Leonardo, he's a guest. Don't be so rude." Giovanni rolled his eyes, glaring at me.

Derek chuckled," It's alright, let's go Leo."

He stood up and hastily grabbed my wrist in a bruising hols, dragging me out of the room and towards our staircase.

Shoving me in front of him, he smirked darkly," Lead the way."

My legs shook as I walked up the stairs slowly, trying to stall and hoping Alonzo would save me. 

"Don't test my patience Leo." Derek sneered from behind me.

With that, I quickened my pace hurriedly guiding him to my bedroom. I opened the door for him and stood beside it, waiting for him to come in. 

Derek stood in the middle of my room, eyes wandering over the stuffed animals littering my bed and my plain looking bedroom. I didn't really bother in decorating it much, who knows how long I'll be staying for.

"Come here." 

Leaving the door open, I slowly inched closer towards him.

Derek frowned," Close the door Leo." It won't be good for you if you piss me off again. I'm already angry at you."

I gulped, closing the door but not locking it and turned towards Derek.

He smiled before walking towards me. His strides were long and quick and his long arms reached out to cage me between the wall and him.

My body trembled in his hold, fear gnawing at my throat.

"What have I told you hm?" His fingers gently pulled at my brown locks.

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