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Grief is the price we pay for love

Present || Leonardo

My smile immediately vanished and I could feel my body tremble. Shakily looking up, I looked into a pair of menacing grey eyes and the smirking face of Alfonzo.

"I asked you a question." His smirk turned into a sneer and he took slow, calculating steps towards me. Like a predator in arms reach of its prey, effectively closing the distance between us.

Even if I wanted to run, I couldn't.

For two very good reasons.

One being the fact that my leg was in excruciating pain and the other being that Alfonzo had instilled such fear in me, my legs felt rooted to the spot.

I was stuck.

I said nothing and continued to tremble. Alfonzo had a terrible temper, even when we were growing up, he would always throw the most violent temper tantrums.

It was like a switch going off inside of him, he turned into someone else completely.

A bruising grip on my wrist shook me out of my trance.


The words wouldn't form. Maybe from the anxiety or maybe because whenever I was around Alfonzo my stutter would always get worse.

"I-I." Alfonzo let out a snicker and continued to mock me.

"Still haven't gotten rid of that annoying stutter of yours? Pathetic." He smirked at me and his grip on my wrist only got tighter.

I opened my mouth to say something but immediately closed it when his eyes narrowed at me.

"Does the little baby have something to say? Talk. Go on. What exactly are you afraid of?" We both knew the answer to that but that didn't stop him.

Silence passed for a few seconds before Alfonzo sneered at me," Worthless little shit can't even fight back. No wonder nobody wants you."

With that his hold on my wrist loosened and he walked off.

I looked down at my feet not even realising the tears welling up in my eyes.

He's right you know, a voice spoke.

You really are worthless.

Nobody will ever want-


I blinked, quickly wiping my eyes and plastered a small smile on my face.

Alonzo stared at me in concern," What's wrong?"

I shook my head and mumbled," Nothing."

He closed his bedroom door and walked up to me. Taking me by the shoulders in a gentle but firm grip," Tell me what happened. I can't help you if you don't tell me."

I bit my lip, feeling like I'd burst into tears at any given moment.

Again, I shook my head at him. Hoping he would leave the situation alone. The last thing I needed was Alfonzo blaming me for getting his twin angry with him.

Though I doubt Alonzo would get that angry. He'd obviously side with his twin.

Alonzo narrowed his eyes at me or rather my wrist and he gritted his teeth whilst saying," Who did that?"

My eyes widened but before I could say anything he interjected," Don't give me any crap and tell me right now. Who did that to you?"

I found my eyes wondering to the bedroom next to Alonzo's and that was enough to have him seething.

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